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Milos has 2 favorite words, bye bye and walk. Let’s just say that if you don’t intend on doing one of those things you better spell it out.  So last Sunday evening when I suggested we go for a walk his Happy Dance said it all. We had only just made it down our driveway when I spotted a couple walking 2 extremely large German Shepard’s (Milo is 38 pounds). We were on opposite sides of the road however so didn’t expect any issues. Then we get next to them and the woman loses control and the dog starts to charge at us. Then the man loses control and that dog charges at us. Next thing I know I have 2 huge dogs trying to kill my Milo!!!! I threw my body on top of him while the whole time they are trying to get him. I just formed a human cocoon over him, while they are trying to pull him out from under me. At one point he screamed. One bit me, but I didn’t care cause I was not going to let them kill my baby.....

Finally the owners were able to get them off of us. Milo was bleeding. I was totally shaken up.... and the parents of these dogs never said a word to me. Didn’t apologize, didn’t ask me how we were. Didn’t offer their name, phone number, nothing. I understand that they were probably worried that I would call the police and were concerned for their own kids. I get that, but we were just innocent victims that were trying to take a walk on our own street on a beautiful Sunday evening and now I have a hurt (part of his ear was actually torn off) and traumatized dog and a $270 vet bill. I would not have called the police as a dog lover, I place the blame on the humans..... you have no business walking dogs that you are not physically able to control. Both I and Milo could have been killed! 

But out guess what... I didn’t smoke. 


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67 Replies

I'm really sorry to hear that Milo is still feeling anxiety from the attack.  Too often, it seems like they never forget a terrible event.



I am sorry Beck37‌, that Milo is not back to himself emotionally.  Maybe the attack was more vicious then ours, or maybe my silly, kid like little Shih Tzu boy is naive enough (like his mom), it took him one week to lay down on his pillow till his pains went away, then he was back to his "look at me, pet me, I love you" self.  Like you, I got the pepper spray and carry it with us every time we go out (with the puppies). I tested it in a back alley when I was alone, and it has a pretty long (maybe 30ft) action aim.  Thankful I did not have to use it once on a dog.  The fact is the dog is not at fault, it is the owner who either is not prepared to handle that kind of dog, or does not take the necessary steps to train and socialize the dog.

Maybe you can take Milo to a "doggy play date" with someone's dog you know is nice and friendly, and expose him little by little to the world which hurt him   Being out on a walk is the happiest time for my dogs, even though they are getting old, they still love to go for walks.

Hugs to both of you.


My Milo is extremely sensitive. I don’t know what horrifics he experienced by his previous “owners”. Ive mentioned he was dumped in the coyote riddled desert to fend for himself at less than a year old. I’ve had him for 10 years now. He is so loving and smart and protective of his momma but he has many trust issues with other people and dogs and suffers from fear aggression. If anyone is going to be attacked it will be him. It’s almost like he has a kick me sign on his but. Up until about a year ago he never really had any interest in toys other than to steal them from his sister. And then he did.... it was a HUGE change and all of a sudden my always serious Milo got goofy and bouncy and always had a silly toy in his mouth and all you heard was the sweet sounds of toy squeaking coming from him. I actually started buying toys for him!!!!  This was such a milestone and a real breakthrough and now it’s gone. He won’t play with his toys, doesn’t chase them when I throw them.... the bounce and goofy is gone....


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Beck37‌ When I saw the title of this blog..."ATTACKED", I had a sharp intake of breath and hoped that it had not happened again to someone else.  Milo sounds like he really got the short end of the stick for the beginning of his life.  There is a part of me that would love to find the people who did that to him and do the same to them...tie them to a saguaro with no food or water, no way to call for help.  Wonder how they would come out.  It just hurts my heart.  I don't know if you ever tried CBD Oil or if it would help but it might be worth a try.  I think Daniela2016‌ has used it with at least one of her dogs.  I have tried it for chronic pain, I cannot say that it helped my pain BUT, I definitely noticed a lift in my spirits.  Not to the point of being out of control laughing but absolutely a better mood.  My daughter's vet prescribed it for her dog and then for a couple of cats.  I guess I am a little worried about how "pure" it might be or how effective different brands or preparations might be.  My daughter gave me mine and I think she got it on line, she did tell me that it was "very expensive" but that it would be well worth it if it helped.  Like I said, it did not relieve my pain but it DID make me feel better even if I didn't realize I might not be feeling completely like myself.

I am so sad that Milo is not back to feeling like himself.  


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Thanks Ellen.... There is a special place foe people that abuse animals. Milo is truly such a sweetie. He is so smart and has such a kind heart. Lets  hope time heals all. At least now I’m armed with my pepper spray. Let’s hope I never have the chance to use it. 


Like elvan‌ says, I have been using CBD oil with Nucka, my older Shih Tzu, since the day we knew about her melanoma.  And that was in November of 2016, after the vet gave us 6 months together, without treatment or maybe 12 with radiations and other treatments (possible auto-vaccine).  I refused, knowing how much my girl stresses every time we had to visit the Vet, and I was not going to do that to her.  She turned 14 this past March, and while she seems to slow down lately, I am still debating taking her to the vet to check on the size of the tumor.  Last we went last year, but the groomer told me it grew more, last time she gave them their haircut. She is sleeping a lot, not eating so well anymore, and it might just be my imagination, but twice now I saw her having something similar to mini seizures; while standing, it seemed like an electric discharge went through her little body, then she kept walking.  She is also losing her sight and hearing, but still enjoys our walks on the weekends.  I don't think she'll still be with us if it were not for the CBD oil.  Yes, it is expensive, but the amount I can give her (10-12 drops/day) is so insignificant; we do not need a lot.  We will have to visit the vet in the near future, but as you can imagine I am scared to find out what he has to say.  He also told us he knew owners who had the surgery to remove the same tumor 2-3 times and after each surgery it comes back much faster.  To Ellen's point, I do not know exactly how the CBD oil works, but I think it is by supporting the body's own defense mechanisms against disease.

Hoping your dear Milo will get back to his playful himself soon!  Hugs!


Daniela2016‌  Thanks for sharing on this...I figured you would be the best person to do so.  I am hoping that Nucka keeps going...until she doesn't and that there does not need to be another vet visit.  It stresses them so much.



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Cloud was on CBD oil for her arthritis along with other things.  Hard to tell if really helped--couldn't ask her.   I had some left so I've been trying it.  Just increased it, but can't say I've notice much difference.  It you do decide to get it, make sure it's pure and no THC.