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Milos has 2 favorite words, bye bye and walk. Let’s just say that if you don’t intend on doing one of those things you better spell it out.  So last Sunday evening when I suggested we go for a walk his Happy Dance said it all. We had only just made it down our driveway when I spotted a couple walking 2 extremely large German Shepard’s (Milo is 38 pounds). We were on opposite sides of the road however so didn’t expect any issues. Then we get next to them and the woman loses control and the dog starts to charge at us. Then the man loses control and that dog charges at us. Next thing I know I have 2 huge dogs trying to kill my Milo!!!! I threw my body on top of him while the whole time they are trying to get him. I just formed a human cocoon over him, while they are trying to pull him out from under me. At one point he screamed. One bit me, but I didn’t care cause I was not going to let them kill my baby.....

Finally the owners were able to get them off of us. Milo was bleeding. I was totally shaken up.... and the parents of these dogs never said a word to me. Didn’t apologize, didn’t ask me how we were. Didn’t offer their name, phone number, nothing. I understand that they were probably worried that I would call the police and were concerned for their own kids. I get that, but we were just innocent victims that were trying to take a walk on our own street on a beautiful Sunday evening and now I have a hurt (part of his ear was actually torn off) and traumatized dog and a $270 vet bill. I would not have called the police as a dog lover, I place the blame on the humans..... you have no business walking dogs that you are not physically able to control. Both I and Milo could have been killed! 

But out guess what... I didn’t smoke. 


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67 Replies

Thank you Missy, I will die with the scar of that incident, nothing can erase it from my memory; hubby does not get it why I would like to move from this neighborhood, the dog is still living here, 1 corner street away from us, and even if he is not, he'll forever remain in my memory in the same place.

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Daniela2016‌ thats terrible. Is there anyway you could perhaps attend a city council meeting and maybe get the ball rolling to set up dog enforcing ordinances? Thats what my friend did. It is terrible to live in fear that, that dog is STILL in your neighborhood after an attack like that. Im so sorry


Thank you Missy Mandolinrain‌, our city is not very responsive to their citizens' concerns. 

A couple of years ago there was a privacy concern about building a 3 story level apartment complex pretty close to the row of homes we belong to, and big loss of privacy around the pool, or just on the patio.  Hubby and 2 other concerned neighbors attended the meetings, and raised the concern, and the solution was that a row of trees will be planted near our back fence, and will provide privacy.  The problem is they planted the AZ state tree (Blue Palo Verde), which is very flexible but whenever we get big monsoon storms, they break, and they have to be replanted young, just to survive another's ridiculous. 

My husband's very old car was hit from behind by a city bus, and the police report stated there was no one at fault, so that saved the city any money they should have paid us for repairs, for the bus' responsibility.

That was just too much for me, for years I contributed to the Police and Firefighters associations to help the families in need.  My old car is full of the decals they sent me through the years.  I do not think I'll find it in my heart to help them in the future, in light of how they treated us when we were not at fault.

In less than one year the city water pipe exploded on our property; last it happened on Sunday night, here we are on Wednesday, it looks as beautiful as this; you can see the darker concrete they "fixed" when the prior explosion happened. This time they just put down some blacks looks like charcoal, I am sure Dale would know what "construction material" that would be.


Sorry for my long response, but that would give you an idea as to why I rather go out of the neighborhood to walk my dogs, instead of trying to make things right for us.  Not a good history between us and the city


Im so sorry. That really stinks. The black stuff looks like Asphalt. Hard to tell from the pic. Again, I am so sorry


These are just awful stories.  I've mentioned this elsewhere, but we have a neighbor at the end of the road (1/2 mile away), who has a really nasty piece of a dog.  Chases you on a bicycle.  Scary.  My husband's been bitten twice by dogs who's owners said, "Oh he won't hurt you!"  Yeah, right.  I carry pepper spray and/or a taser when I ride my bike.  The taser of course won't do a thing unless you touch it to the animal.  And if it got that close, forget it anyway.  But it does make a sound that seems to scare them away, or keep them back.  When I suggested to the owners who were blithely sitting out on their front stoop watching their dog go after people on bikes (had just passed three young women going in the opposite direction who warned me about the dog) that they might keep the dog on a leash, their reply was "We don't have to there's no leash law."  What lovely, caring people.  It's almost like they ENJOYED the fact that their dog was terrorizing bicyclists. 

I was talking to SOMEBODY, I don't recall who now, but they said that's not true.  There is a Tennessee State leash law.  I haven't had a chance to look into it, but I WILL!  Not that it will make any difference, but - who knows - it might!    

Just looked it up.  Yup, there is a state-wide leash law.  Good to know.  

Just really sorry for the attacks on all the creatures that we love.  


I just read this. I'm so sorry this happened. I have a German shepherd and she is not the least bit aggressive, but I have met many that are. It is up to the parents of these dogs to not allow what happened. I'm bothered that they didn't comment to you or offer assistance. Years ago when I had a dog who bit a woman visiting a neighbor, the first thing I did when I learned about it was go to her and offer to pay any bills related to the bite. She also gave me a huge piece of her mind, which I deserved.

Our pets are our children. And Milo is so lucky to have you as a dog parent. Hope you're both on the mend by now.


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Such a traumatic, horrible experience for you both .

I have a very mellow...easy going black lab..or so I thought.  We have a very large fenced in yard, and many, many owners with their dogs walk by in our sub dividion...I think she's smelled them all!

Not once, but twice..we ran into a couple of neighbors, shes trained that when when I stop, she sits, and she does that very well! She's also an excellent certified comfort dog.

But two times, when we stopped to chit chat, the other dog would want to sniff...okay fine, so I would let Grace have permission to 'get acquainted"...if the other dog would start to show aggressive behavior...Grace would go into defense mode two fold back.  I have a very thick leash for her, (those retractables are worthless).  I have better control with the thick leash for that purpose, and for her to assist me going up on sandy slopes (broken leg injury).  It truly surprised me that she has this defense mode to protect me, and would go bonkers if she felt threatened.  I no longer give her permission to be social with another dog, and  I let the other dog owner know that Grace is protective.

Those dogs were just plain nasty when they acctaced you and your dog, and the owners were cowards.

I hope you both heal well, both phsically and mentally.



You are a proud mama. I could talk about mine for hours on end. They are what keep me sane in this crazy world. They keep me grounded. They make me appreciate the simple, small stuff. They are my reason to get outside for walks and just be.....

Happy Mother’s Day to all us fur mamas!!!!


Beck37 Don't know what made me think about this today, but how are you and Milo.  Have you both healed?



Thanks so much for thinking of us. We both have our scars. Milo has a big “V” missing from his ear. Mostly though he’s withdrawn into himself again. He had really come out of his shell and become goofy and bouncy and silly with toys which are words you would never use to describe him. Unfortunately that is gone. I keep trying to draw him out and just it hoping with time that too will heal.

It’s funny that you reached out today.... yesterday I had some time to kill before meeting some friends for lunch so stopped at a local gun shop. Bought a pepper spray for my dog walking fanny pack and a taser for my purse. Never, ever thought I would have to “arm” myself but unfortunately that is the world we live in now whether we like it or not.

Thanks again for reaching out. Hope all is well with you and Charlie....
