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Voice and quitting smoking

Sure do miss music and my musician friends and the good old music jams .. and dancing ...thanks for Giulias recent post I got out the guitar . I can't play worth a darn but no one is listening but me , haha.. I just love singing ... went through my binder of songs , yes I'm old school , I still have binders lol . I can tell I have not played guitar in a while ... ouch sore fingers . Where have all the callouses gone lol . 
Keep singing everyone , everybody can sing .. you don't have to be professional , just enjoy music , and who doesn't enjoy music . 

Question of curiosity though for everyone in or out of the group of music lovers . Did your range or tone of voice change after you quit smoking ? In what way ? 

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7 Respuestas

Hi Maki!!! I too LOVE to sing!!! I don't play guitar.......I can play piano. Singing for me gives voice to my moods. My kids could always tell from what was playing when they came home what the "mood" was and it is still true. I love all music.....have my favorites but none that I hate except RAP-----which I don't really "hate"......I just can't see it as "music"

No---I did not notice a real difference in my voice when I quit smoking. Interesting question.

I didn't notice a change in my voice when I quit smoking.

I do however notice a change now as I really haven't sung in a couple years. I feel I'm losing breath control.. I think I'd need to redevelop the diaphragmatic support to really sing again.


I used to love to sing. I always had a deeper voice than most girls/women. Now, l don’t have enough breath to sing but l sure like to listen.

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I did notice a change in my voice when I quit ... it was sharper , clearer .

I also could hold my notes longer at the end of phrases rather than cutting them off short . I wasn't having to use my inhalers as much before I sang to get through the set . I noticed both improvement and discouragement . One thing that did surprise me is I felt my range actually dropped , which I thought would be totally the opposite , not by much but definitely noticible .. about a half an octave ,  but on a good note I think my pitch got better . Due to quitting ? 

A friend who quit smoking said their voice was raspier when they smoked . They noticed a huge difference when they quit they said .  I was just curious if others had voice changes . 

Sootie , I also play piano although have not for years now . My mother taught over 100 students . 

Dale , I've noticed as well because the music venues are closed and I'm not doing as much singing that it's easy to become breathless . I try to make it a point to pick up the guitar and sing because it certainly helps the breathing. I've told my kids if I get covid remind me to keep singing or even envision it . 

Ellen I know it can be exhausting especially with copd , emphysema . During exasperations I struggle too ., I hate that you are struggling , but I'm glad you enjoy music and listen to it . It certainly can be uplifting in times we need it most . 

Thanks everyone for your responses . I am a bit surprised that no one else has noticed a change in their voice though ,

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Cigarette smoke irritates your vocal cords, which can lead to long-term voice problems. Studies show that former and current smokers are about three times more likely to have a voice disorder than people who never smoke.

Smoking can also raise your risk of developing a small, non-cancerous growth called a polyp on your vocal cords. It can make your voice low, breathy, and hoarse.

Sources |
Medically Reviewed on 11/11/2020

Smoking and Singing – How Smoking Affects Your Singing Voice 


My range lessened because I smoked.  I would say that when I stopped the range didn't increase, but the clarity of the tone I was putting out was much less gravelly.  It was clearer, cleaner, more pure.  Smoking gunks up your vocal chords.  At this age (71) when the vocal chords are already scrabbled by age, I still can put out a sound less like Tom Waits and more like Joan Baez, which I don't think would be possible if I hadn't quit 14 years ago.  


As you know I love to sing also! 

Before I smoked I had a clean voice . When I used to smoke I used to have a rockers voice/ Not I am just back to my clean voice and am able to try and think outside the box. They say that 10mins of signing can reduces stress etc. who knew!

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