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Only Hope-A Walk To Remember


If you need a good cry to undo a logjam

A Walk To Remember delivers

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5 Respuestas

LOVE this but my poor nose is so plugged that a good cry is exactly what l DON’t need right now. I’ll save it. I used to keep all of my crying songs in a folder on the computer. 

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Feel Better. 

The movie is incredible if you've never seen it.


I HAVE & l LOVED it!

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Thank you for sharing Dale and this is ONE of MY fav movies -  I sing at the top of MY lungs to MY Lord Jesus - HE IS MY ONLY HOPE - I am so glad HE will be here soon to Rapture ME out of here - that is His FAITH in ME - just read it for YOURSELF in the Bible in - 1 Thessalonians - chater 4 verses 13 - 18 -  of course YOU must be a believer in YOUR OWN heart FIRST by reading in the Bible - and believing what YOU read -  just for YOU -  by reading - 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 1-4 for eternal Salvation -  just for YOU in YOUR OWN heart and believe and take God at His Word - it is that simple - believe OR don't believe - the FREE WILL CHOICE is all YOURS MY CHOICE -  I believe and took God at His Word just for ME - I HOPE EVERY BODY who reads this will GO and get a BIBLE and read -    1 Corinthians -  chapter 15 verses 1- 4 - for THEMSELVES - now -  while there is still TIME in MY Lord Jesus name - I ask and pray amen - thanks for letting ME be ME and share MY ONLY HOPE - MY Lord Jesus and - the FINISHED work of the cross for ALL humans in this WHOLE WORLD freely offered by MY Daddy God in HIS love to ALL

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 Dale - in His love - I love YOU buddy

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