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What to Expect When Stopping Smoking

Mayo Clinic
2 7 260

Quitting smoking is a process that typically includes a few different challenges.  Each challenge can be effectively met with a combination of cognitive (how you think), behavioral (what you do), and pharmacologic (medicines) strategies, if you understand what you’re going through and have a plan.


The experience of quitting smoking can be difficult and also emotional, because of nicotine withdrawal symptoms.  Certain areas of the brain have come to rely on a steady supply of nicotine to function normally, and when a person quits tobacco, that supply is cut off.  Withdrawal symptoms can be very uncomfortable, and can include feelings of anger, anxiety, irritability, difficulty concentrating, hunger, impatience, nervousness and restlessness.  It varies from person to person, but these symptoms tend to improve after the first 3-4 weeks tobacco-free.  It is typical for withdrawal symptoms to cause relapse to tobacco use in these first weeks, so cessation medications can be especially important early in the process of quitting and can double your chances of success (2008 US Public Health Services Guidelines).


Different from withdrawal symptoms, urges and cravings can come up for several months after you quit.  The same areas of the brain that miss nicotine when you quit tobacco are hypersensitive to “cues” from your environment that remind you of smoking.  These cues are very unique to individual people, but can often include drinking coffee or alcohol, taking a break from your work or finishing a task, driving in the car, arguments with others, or simply getting up in the morning.  When you are exposed to these cues, your brain can actually send you strong messages to smoke.


Trying out different strategies to respond to these urges both in how you think and in what you do is important.  An urge typically lasts only a few minutes – whether you smoke or not – so reminding yourself (“this will pass”) and giving yourself strong positive messages (“I can DO this!”) should help.  Changing your routines to avoid smoking cues, such as buying your coffee at a drive-thru on the way to work instead of making it at home or paying at the gas pump instead of going inside can help you set up an environment that supports your decision to not smoke.


Quitting smoking is a process, and it often involves a few bumps at first as you experiment with what works for you.  Don’t give up!  Talk to someone who supports your efforts, seeking support from a health professional, and filling your “quit smoking toolbox” with cognitive and behavioral strategies will help prepare you for a smoke-free future.


Thanks Dr. Hays! Great differentiating betweeen withdrawal and urges or cravings. I think many times, our newer quitters do not realize that withdrawal and cravings ARE different.

Also----totally appreciate the reminder that quitting is a process! Too often, people want a quick fix in a matter of days; when----in reality----they smoked for many,many years. Best to look on quitting as a long range project you keep working on until one day---you have a masterpiece.......of FREEDOM.


Very good information. 


Thanks Dr. Hays. Good Article. I will be working on my materpiece for the rest of my life! There is alot of really good information on Dale's page about the 2 sets of seasons. (If anyone is interested)

Terrie  200  DOF


Thank you DR Hays, this infor. is usful to me.

I have been trying to quit! Stress loneliness .I know changing my thinking is a lot of it.Renewed mind is a awesome thing . I've quit some things I've done for many years why is this so hard?? If there's more reading please post! If I read it enough its got to change my mind. You all sound awesome and if you all can do it I should be able! I've quit harder things than cigs only cuz the drs. Wouldn't give me what I thought I needed! I have pain a lot but doing without medications.I'm 58 smoked since 12!

Mahalo Dr. Hays, very good information. As I continue on my "quit" reading posts from others really helps by giving me better understanding of the road ahead and what I am up against. Information and encouragement are big factors in helping someone to quit the nicodemon.


Thank you the reading helps✌️
About the Author
An expert in tobacco use and dependence, Dr. Hays has authored and co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed scholarly articles and book chapters on various aspects tobacco dependence and its treatment. Since joining the Nicotine Dependence Center in 1992, he and its staff have treated more than 50,000 patients for tobacco dependence.