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Tips for Using Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Mayo Clinic
1 19 297

Many people I talk with say that they have tried the nicotine patch or the gum, and they say it “didn’t work”.  However, when I ask them more about this, I find that they may not have been using the nicotine replacement medications optimally.  Below are some tips for using these medications to help make them more effective for those trying to stop smoking.

Use the appropriate dose of the patch and use it for long enough.  We frequently find that people who use the patch are under-dosed, especially people who smoke more than a pack per day.  Every smoker is different.  Talk with your health care provider if you think you may need a higher dose of nicotine patch therapy.  Also, don’t feel that you need to be in a hurry to step down on the patch dose or stop taking the patch.

You can use other nicotine replacement medications in combination with the nicotine patch.  The nicotine patch provides a steady amount of nicotine and can help alleviate the discomfort of withdrawal.  You can then use nicotine gum or nicotine lozenge for “trigger” situations (i.e., those times when you may have cravings or urges such as after meals, driving, etc.)

When using the gum, you want to bite into it a few times until you get a tingly sensation, and then “park” it between your cheek and gum for 20-30 minutes.  Alternatively, you can chew it until you get that tingly sensation, then park it for just a few minutes, and chew it again until you get that tingly sensation again, and repeat.  Either way, after 30 minutes of “parking” it will be used up, and then you can either chew it like regular gum or dispose of it.

You can watch the videos in the re-learn addiction section of the home page to learn more about nicotine replacement and other medications that can help you stop smoking for good.

19 Comentarios

I don't agree with using multiple quit aids at the same time. I believe in using a single aid for a short period of time, but no more than a few weeks. I'm not a medical expert, but I do have a 3 year quit going. I mean, if you never face the discomfort of withdrawal, will you ever quit?


In a previous quit, I used the patch as directed and it worked well. For people who smoke more than a pack a day, multiple NRTs may work better like Dr Hurt says.


I would honestly like to know if anyone you took under your wing with this "try every NRT replacement therapy there is" approach has ever gotten off the aids? the few who have come here and joined this group that you "helped" directly were still using them 6 months and more after they quit smoking.




I did....I got off of the nicotine aids.  I used one at a time but I can't fault one who tries what they think will work.  I just want people to quit.....I am not interested in proving that my way is the right way.  I have almost 3 years in as well.  I am very happy.  I think it depends on the person.  One size doesn't always fit all.  We are not all made out of the same mold. 


joyce, i used the patch. i am not against using an aid. has nothing to do with proving anything. were you one of dr hurts proteges? if not, i wasn't talking about you.


do you just keep giving people heroin the rest of their life and hoping they'll decide they don't want it someday?

it'll never happen as long as you keep giving it to them.


and people who are getting paid to use and provided nicotine aids for a study are not your everyday (less motivated) quitter. who do you think funds these studies?

there was a recent study that said the true success rate of the average (unpaid) user of nrts isn't any higher than those who make it without them.

and once again, i used one myself so i'm not against them


I was able to use the 2nd step patch and then gradually move myself down (total time of 32 days) till I was able to comfotablystop. I'm aware that there are others who may need more or less time. That's okay with me. Whatever works for YOU is the answer! 🙂


An odd question about the patches - How many cigarettes = 1 21 mg patch?

I was a very heavy smoker but quit smoking on 22 Dec. I'm using the patch and am sort of hoping I'm getting LESS nicotine from the patch than I was from smoking.

If this makes no sense to anyone, don't worry. I often say things that don't make sense.


Julia,  I too was a heavy smoker.  I smoked 1 and 1/2 packs a day for 30 years.  We are definately getting less nicotine from the patch.  But I have found that using the lozenge along with the patch has helped me tremendously.  I will continue to do this until those strong cravings (i.e. after eating) have subsided.  I had tried twice before this with only the patch and it just didn't work.  I don't feel that those of us who use the patch are any less successfull then those that quit cold turkey.  Cold turkey is not an option for me!  Not after all of this time.


I smoked a pack or more-usually-a day for more than 30 years too. I have been using the patch and gum . I did not know that I could use both unti  I saw Dr.Hurt's Video. Using NRT  and not smoking is being SMOKE FREE which is the most important thing for me right now 


Is this blog still active? Is Dr hurt still here to answer questions?


I have one comment to add to this blog. 

NRT has been proven to work better than cold turkey but DON'T FALL INTO THE PHARMACEUTICAL TRAP. The drug companies have the same interest in your money as the tobacco industry. NRT is just that- a replete mentioned. They would love to see you buy and use it longer than recommended and necissary. Use it to get past the initial urges as directed and then GET OFF OF IT. Don't become another victim to another addiction. 


D r Hurt was replaced by Dr. Hays. You can ask your question. I used the patch.


I'm having nightmares using the patch but I dont want to take it off at night. How long do the nightmares typically last?


this is very common. So what is the problem with taking it off before bed if that is the cause of the nightmares?


Because first thing in the mornings are my most vulnerable time of day. Just currious as to how long I can expect these vivid encounters to last


it takes about 45 minutes for the patch to start delivering.

The vivid dreams will likely stop when you stop sleeping with it on.


Excited to get started.

Acerca del autor
Retired in 2014. Dr. Richard D. Hurt is an internationally recognized expert on tobacco dependence. A native of Murray, Kentucky, he joined Mayo Clinic in 1976 and is now a Professor of Medicine at its College of Medicine. In 1988, he founded the Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center and since then its staff has treated more than 50,000 patients for tobacco dependence.