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Practice Makes Perfect

Mayo Clinic
11 28 2,282

“Practice makes perfect.” This powerful, three word phrase has been shared countless times to inspire commitment, dedication, and hard work for achieving personal goals. Such goals can be as diverse as increasing a step each day, creating a space to practice self-care daily, or like all of you at BecomeAnEX to quit smoking, vaping, dipping or chewing tobacco. This simple three word phrase provides the encouragement for you to focus your effort, to take steps toward a positive outcome. So how does this apply to quitting?

One of the biggest things that will help after deciding to quit is replacing old habits with new ones. Research has shown that we do not get rid of our old ways of thinking very quickly. We have old neural pathways or habits that will remain ready to be reactivated if we do not provide our brain with an alternative. To quit, it is beneficial to experiment with new routines and discover alternatives for coping with emotions without smoking, vaping, dipping or chewing. Each time you respond differently (such as drinking an iced tea instead of having coffee with a cigarette, or listening to music instead of vaping) to a familiar situation, a new neural pathway is created and it replaces the old one. The more you practice your alternative behaviors, the stronger the new pathways get, and the weaker the old ones become. The more you practice a new behavior, the more natural it will become, until you find a new perfect (and tobacco-free) version of you!

Heather Kraling-Coons, MA

NDC Counselor/CTTS

Etiquetas (1)
28 Comentarios

Making new pathways all day long. Watching trains or writing a song


I remember writing down my triggers and rating them from one to five, with five being the strongest...then I wrote down things I could do INSTEAD of smoking.  I had to tweak it a few times because some things needed more intense interventions.  It certainly did help.  It was not easy but it was possible and I could see that pretty early on.  I had more than one failed quit but they were all pre-EX.  It's  a great site with great people.



Thank you for this.  Very informative.


Ah how our old pathways have just become ugly ruts.  Great points you made.  We must venture forth on new paths and let the old rutted one grow over with beautiful new healthy grass.


Thank you for the support 


Way is it so hard to stop something but so easy to start 

but it possible 



Smoking becomes a ritual with a nicotine ikcker.

It takes unlearning and in doing so, we rewire neural pathways.

Mayo Clinic

absolutely.  It can take awhile, but we can change behaviors that are "hardwired" in.  It just takes time and patience, along with determination.  With that being said, if you slip, don't give up.  Just get back in and try again.  🙂  


Driving is a big trigger for me. My quit date is a few weeks away but I started using mints while I drive. It cut my cigarettes consumption in half!🎉👍🎉



Driving was when I smoked the most. 🙂

Good job on cutting back with the mints before YOU QUIT.

Making changes before you quit is the best strategy.

I started saying "I'm going to wait a little longer" every time I thought of smoking and went from a pack a day to 5 a day.

Wintogreen Lifesavers were my choice after I quit.


I love those winter green life saver’s myself I think I buy me a giant bag of those lol 


@Ranhub-9479 @JonesCarpeDiem @TheMaryMeehan 
100% on the wintergreens! I'm sucking on one right now! 



They have wintergreen tac tics now too.


I am basically quit but still SO want to vape. More than the health issues I hated the plastic waste that vaping generated. So much so I’ve considered just buying rolling tobacco. I doubt I could tolerate filterless tobacco as much as vaping. But then, the SMELL. Sigh. Best to just stay quit.


@Classy-53 Welcome to the Ex. and congrats on your quit.  One month is a major achievement.  Consider posting to My Journal/Post to introduce yourself to the community and receive some well deserved support. 

Hang in there. Yes your brain wants nicotine. This is hard, but it's your addiction wanting the nicotine it's being deprived right now. But if you work through these really hard early days, you will win and addiction losses. Reaching out is the best thing you can do.  We've been there and we know you can do it if you stick to your plan.

Have you been reading material on the site?   Knowledge about nicotine addiction has made the difference for many quitters.  It took me 50 years to finally get it right.  There's some great information here to help keep your quit.

Have you read about No Man's Land?  Everyone doesn't experience it, but it's good to be prepared. 

No Mans Land Days 30 to 130 (approximate) - EX Community

You're going great . If your not doing so already, get out there and get moving to generate some dopamine. That's the feel good high lost when we stop nicotine.  

We're here for you, so reach out anytime we can help.

Stay busy and stay close.



Trying much harder to be alot more aware of when the cravings get louder and what I'm doing when the trigger's are the most intense


@ncruzcolon2gma Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your recent quit.  Have you been reading material on the site? There's great information on cravings, triggers and creating new associates instead of smoking. And educating yourself about nicotine addiction is a real game changer.  It took me 50 years and many attempts to finally get it.  Education and preparation made the difference for me and many quitters.  This link has some great information to help maintain your quit.

And you just found an amazing group of quitters here to support you on this journey to becoming an Ex. There will be ups and downs, but that is part of the journey. We're here for you, so just reach out anytime we can help or want to share your experience.

Join many of us taking the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.

Please consider posting to My Journal/Blog to introduce yourself to the group and receive some well deserve support.

Stay busy and stay close.



I totally agree. I’m starting to read and bake as opposed to smoking.


@Jabiedon88 Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your quit.

Please consider creating your own post and post to My Journal/Blog to introduce yourself to the community and receive some well deserved support.

Join many of us on the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.

Stay busy and stay close.



Changing old habits with new habits is easier said than done but it’s something we need to do I believe if you set your mind to it you can do it


I just joined EX a few weeks ago, and am loving all the blogs they have. Very informative, and great ideas to help quit. My past times saying I was gonna quit (been saying that for the past 4 years) I would just try to cold turkey it, and couldn’t make it past 24 hours before I needed to hit my vape again. Right now I’m at 2 disposable vapes a week, and have been at that for a couple years now. Trying to quit at a minuscule rate is going to really help me cut down on vaping, and hopefully quit by my quit day!!

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Tcarl97 So glad that you are enjoying the EX Community and taking advantage of the resources we have to offer! Taking it one day at a time, focusing on what you can control in that moment. You will be 100% vape free before you know it!

Let us know how we can support you on this journey.

Quiana, EX Team


@Tcarl97 Welcome to the Ex  Glad you found us and have found the information on site helpful on your quit journey.

There's also great support here from fellow quitters.  So reach out anytime we can help.



Driving is the worst for me 


Morning is the worst time for me. Trying to stick to 4 cigarettes today as y before my new quit date. Have pledged to not buy more cigarettes. 




@Caridad That's great.  Keep working on your quit.  I cut down for a week on a strict schedule until I was down to one cigarette the last day.  Along with my aids it worked for me.   Everyone's quit is unique.  If you're committed and stick to your plan, it can work for you too.  What's your new quit date?






Both Forms Of Self Torture When You Get Down To  A Few.

If you are smoking 4, you are only getting 4mg of nicotine.

The smallest patch is 7mg.

Why not just quit?

Mayo Clinic

@Caridad Great job in cutting down to quit!  In some people there is a minimum threshold of nicotine needed in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms.  If you are finding it difficult to get below a certain number, nicotine replacement can really help to minimize the withdrawal symptoms so that you can get through your day a little easier and be able to work on the habitual, routine, situational part of smoking without feeling irritable, edgy, restless, foggy, etc.  keep it up!  It's definitely a process in seeing what works and what doesn't. 🙂        

Acerca del autor
The Nicotine Dependence Center at Mayo Clinic has been home to physicians, nurse practitioners, Master’s / PhD level counselors, trained TTS’, and amazing office staff for a total of 30 years, all working together to treat individuals who struggle with tobacco use. Counselors meet with an individual to develop their own personalized plan, discuss coping strategies, and provide ongoing support along the journey towards a tobacco-free life. As part of the process, counselors work with physicians and nurse practitioners to provide nicotine replacements and other medications for smoking cessation as needed. We are happy to be involved with the EX Community and we hope our experiences and expertise can help in your journey towards a tobacco-free life. View the link in our signature to see our individual Biographies.