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New Found Time

Mayo Clinic
0 4 87

To those of us who live in areas of the country in which there is ‘daylight savings time’ the fall brings a special day each year.  One Sunday every fall, on the night that the clocks are turned back to ‘standard time’, we gain a whole hour. This extra time is experienced as a welcome gift. Frequently you can hear people remark about that 'fall-back' day and how wonderful it is to have the extra time to sleep in, finish chores, or just do nothing. 


Now, anyone who has stopped smoking during this past year or past few years, and is entering this fall season as a non-smoker, is also experiencing a gift of new-found time.  The time gained is not just one precious hour, it is hours adding into years.  You have gained hours no longer spent buying cigarettes, looking for a light, finding a place to smoke, or cleaning ashtrays.  You’ve gained years of good quality time consisting of better breathing, healthier living, improved blood flow, happier friends and proud families.    


As the fall begins, take a bit of this new found time to recognize the gift you’ve given yourself by becoming tobacco-free.  Appreciate the time you save each day, each week, and each year.   The joy we experience in setting the clocks back once each year is yours to cherish each and everyday. To share your story and to learn from others who are becoming smoke-free, visit the EX Community.



Dr. Richard D. Hurt is an internationally recognized expert on tobacco dependence. A native of Murray, Kentucky, he joined Mayo Clinic in 1976 and is now a Professor of Medicine at its College of Medicine. In 1988, he founded the Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center and since then its staff has treated over 33,000 patients for tobacco dependence. Send your questions directly to Dr. Hurt at

4 Comentarios

Dr. Hurt, no disprespect but please do not come on this site with any information unless it is to tell is that the site working. We ex-smokers depend on this site to help us in protecting our quits.  It seems as if the administrators really do not care because if they did the site would be up and running. 

At the present time I could care less about daylight savings time.  What is important is getting this site back.  Please spend your time emailing the techs to complete what should have been done days ago.  There have been a lot of members who have left for other sites.  There are member who have started sites.  I guess that is what I do not understand.  You are suspose to be the "professionals" but can't put the site up to run correctly.  There are former members who have their sites up and running without any problems.  Something is not right with that picture.  Are you all trying to get the site up and running or are you just trying to see how long you can agrivate your members, and the worse would be are you trying to case your ex members to become addicted to cigarettes again.


Dr. Hurt,

I must say that I was very disappointed in the video you have on here about using medications.  I feel pretty confident saying that all recent non-manufacturer funded studies show that you are less likely to stay quit over a year if you use medications compared to cold turkey.  In fact, I believe the number of successful long term former smokers is comprised of 92% cold turkey quitters and 8% all other methods combined.  There is also a recent study that shows that you have almost no chance of success on the patch if you have used the patch before to quit, even long term, but you recommend returning to medications you have used before.  You also recommend mixing medicines like the patch and lozenges, which could result in a racing heart and nicotine overdose.


I am confused reading the postings....any help to quit


Oorrw3fyw6, I understand why you may be confused.  This is suppose to be a website to help those who are trying to quit smoking.  It is also to help the quitters to remain smoke-free.  I also do no understand what Daylight Savings Time have to do with smoking.  There are some very knowledgeable and caring people on this site who are willing to go through this journey with you.

Acerca del autor
Retired in 2014. Dr. Richard D. Hurt is an internationally recognized expert on tobacco dependence. A native of Murray, Kentucky, he joined Mayo Clinic in 1976 and is now a Professor of Medicine at its College of Medicine. In 1988, he founded the Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center and since then its staff has treated more than 50,000 patients for tobacco dependence.