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Knowledge is Power in Protecting Your Heart

Mayo Clinic
8 10 389

There is SO much information/MISinformation out there about how nicotine replacements are harmful for our hearts!  But, is it?  Literature has been plentiful, since the 90’s on how nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is much safer for our heart health and blood vessels, than smoking!

Yes, nicotine can cause constriction of blood vessels. Although when smokers use NRT, this doesn’t seem to happen, probably because they are used to using the high doses delivered from cigarettes. Not to mention, nicotine alone does not have 7000 chemicals released when burned, like tobacco, which include cancer-causing agents, heart disease, and stroke-causing agents. Therefore, when looking at harm reduction, nicotine replacement therapy is a viable option. 

What about heart attacks?  Individuals, with heart disease who are able to stop all tobacco use, can have a rapid drop in the recurrence of acute heart events and slowed or stopped “hardening of their arteries”.   Nicotine patches have shown to be of benefit in aiding smoking cessation and is a prominent feature of Clinical Practice Guidelines for smoking cessation by major healthcare institutions and organizations.

Does it affect blood pressure? We know that nicotine has effects on blood vessels that can lead to increase in heart rate and blood pressure and cause constriction of the blood vessels.  But at the same time, wearing a nicotine patch can lead to lower nicotine levels in the blood than cigarette smoking and will lead to many fewer bad effects on the heart, than smoking.   Tobacco and its components cause blood vessel constriction; they cause a roughness in the vessels where normal cholesterol needed for body building and body repair collects, as it flows through the body; and, we know that tobacco products “latch” on to the oxygen in our blood stream, leaving carbon monoxide (a waste product from the blood), for our heart and blood vessels to work on, rather than rich oxygen.

Not everyone will choose to use nicotine replacement therapy but get to know the facts and talk with your doctor  to make the choice that will lead to a healthier you! There are SO many misconceptions regarding tobacco cessation aids, for more information ask your healthcare team and visit!  Good luck, YOU are well on your way!

Kathy Zarling, MS, APRN


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I don't use NRT and did not vape, but this does beg the question, for me, about the safety of vaping. 



kathy, a big difference between nicotine delivered via the arterial system (cigarettes\) and nicotine delivered via the venous system (Nrt) is that and correct me if I am wrong, the venous system nicotine goes to the liver before going to the brain, so the major effect on the brain is lessened.  Arterial nicotine goes directly to the brain. A cardiologist named Andrew Pipe talks about this  in this talk  Dr. Andrew Pipe: The Zombies of Smoking Cessation - YouTube , he says wear a patch for the rest of your life if you have to, but give up cigarettes.


Thank you Kathy...great information...~ Colleen


Thanks for sharing!


My husband had bypass surgery last year.  He has not smoked in over 29 years and has absolutely no intention of smoking again...BUT we were told that since they took a graft from the mammary artery that ANY form of nicotine would kill him.  I had never heard that before but he USED to chew nicorette gum once in a while, not because he craved cigarettes but because he wanted to stimulate his brain...can't say that I ever saw a difference but I am not INSIDE of his brain.  Like I said, he stopped smoking 29 years ago...he has just been told that he has evidence of emphysema.

Personally, I would not introduce any nicotine into MY system voluntarily.



I'm against the vapor , I'm just able to watch local ppl smoke them and I have too. Not enough knowledge for this product. I saw a customer smoke and get so wired he was almost like he had cocaine

 J/s....... This is not safe. And I don't trust it to replace tobacco. I'm now going with patches and lozenges only reason I'm doing this,I had chest pains. They stopped them now I will have to detox myself from them. But I don't want to smoke, or have a stroke.Hope I made sense. 


Tobyrae141‌ Welcome to EX, I did not use any NRT but I have nothing against them, I went "Smart Turkey" and I am so glad that I's really not like I have much of a choice.  I was so sick that I was not sure I would survive.

Good for YOU!

I suggest that you read a couple of particularly helpful is by YoungAtHeart‌ and the blog as well as the comments are wonderful, For Our New Years' Quitters (and community members, too)  Another is by JonesCarpeDiem‌ and I read it over and over again when I first quit and for some time afterwards.../blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2011/06/26/what-to-expect-in-the-first-four-months   Please remember that we are here and that we want very much for you to succeed, we have all been there...we all had to start at the beginning, there are no shortcuts on this journey.




what about if it helped you to quit cigarettes?


karenjones‌ I would have used patches if I felt that I had to use something but I was really hesitant to do that...I think everyone has to follow their own path and if using vaping helps, that's okay.  How about the kids who are GETTING addicted to nicotine BECAUSE of vaping, that's terrible.  

About the Author
The Nicotine Dependence Center at Mayo Clinic has been home to physicians, nurse practitioners, Master’s / PhD level counselors, trained TTS’, and amazing office staff for a total of 30 years, all working together to treat individuals who struggle with tobacco use. Counselors meet with an individual to develop their own personalized plan, discuss coping strategies, and provide ongoing support along the journey towards a tobacco-free life. As part of the process, counselors work with physicians and nurse practitioners to provide nicotine replacements and other medications for smoking cessation as needed. We are happy to be involved with the EX Community and we hope our experiences and expertise can help in your journey towards a tobacco-free life. View the link in our signature to see our individual Biographies.