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How to Get the Support You Need!

Mayo Clinic
10 31 1,140

For many folks, smoking can become integral to the way they relate with others.  At times, it can be a way to connect with friends in happiness or a way to communicate “I need to be alone” after a disagreement with a loved one. Smoking can be an easy way to make new acquaintances when stepping outside or to help manage feelings of loneliness or boredom.  When actively smoking, it may be hard for some folks to imagine being social without a cigarette close by.  


When stopping smoking, maintaining social connections and getting support is essential. It is important to determine what supportive behavior looks like to each of us.  Some folks enjoy talking regularly about their progress, while others are fueled by the thoughtful actions of others who help reduce life stressors.  Regardless of the kind of support you prefer, it is necessary to be able to effectively communicate your needs to your social network. 


Here are some conversation topics to chew on when considering how to get support from others:


1.      “ Be patient with me.” 

We want others to understand what a huge lifestyle change this is for us.  Frustration, difficulty concentrating, and moodiness can be common emotions when going through this process.  While you can plan ways to deal with these ups and downs, asking for patience and understanding can go a long way in avoiding hurt feelings. 


2.  “Celebrate my efforts.”  


Many who have quit smoking like to mark their anniversaries such as being quit for one weeks, 30 days, etc.  A small celebration such as going out for dinner, taking in a movie, or just having quality time together at home are ways to recognize these accomplishments and boost our resistance to stress and cravings.


3.  “Be available when I am having a difficult day.” 


For some, this may mean spending time together going for a walk around the block or shopping at the mall. For others, it can simply mean listening - without offering suggestions or advice - over a cup of coffee.  Having a literal or figurative shoulder to lean on can help reinforce our motivations to stay smoke-free.


Deciding to stop smoking does not mean we need to give up a social life.  In fact, being social and having the support of others is perhaps more important now than when we were smoking.  Choose your support group thoughtfully and don’t be afraid to tap into it when needed.  Just ask the countless members of EX who have successfully quit with the support of others!

31 Comentarios

I have tried to quit many times on my own and was unsuccessful. Having a support system here on Ex has helped me and many others to quit. It helps when a person is vocal so that we know how to help them. There is always someone here who can relate. Thanks Dr. Hays for a very informative blog!


I have found that people who have never smoked can't (or won't) get it.  They simply don't understand why we don't "just quit"  this "nasty habit."

It's why Ex works, I think.  We do get it - we've beeen where the newly quit are, have traveled the same road, and understand how it feels in a way that folks who never smoked cannot.   



I have a close friend who has come over several times since the weather got better because she knew my deck was my smoking/reading haven. I was afraid to try to use the deck. She,  former smoker who used her deck the same way, understood that was going to be one of those situational things and she has come for coffee or just to visit on the deck. I now go out there to relax without thinking of smoking. Having understanding people to support you is key! Lots of it here in this site, as well, and I so appreciate all the blogs!


Communication and trust.  It's a two-way street.  Thanks for the blog DH.


people sharing the same addiction tend to socialize with one another. In the end, their addiction was the common bit that kept them socializing. People who do cocaine tend to hang out with people who do cocaine, etc, etc.

The difficulty is smoking has only become less socially acceptable in the past 10 years or so and most smokers smoked a lifetime and may have problems like relapsing if they hang with other smokers after they've quit.

It's tough to unlearn a lifetime socially accepted addiction.  :-).


Thanks for the blog and the comments! EX was/is my support!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


Thank you Dr Hays , I am so thankful that I found this wonderful community with all of the support that is here .

Learning to ask the people that can give me the support I've needed was huge for me. Not everyone is capable of giving me what I I just keep asking until I find the people that can. This community is great because there are so many that have gone before me that knew what support I needed even when I didn't...I'm a very grateful newbie here on EX...still learning, still growing. The journey is amazing...thank you fellow EXers!

I;m new to this community and enthralled by all the stories I'veread.  Wish I could spend more time here but I'm still working full time and haven't even been on FB in forever.

The peope who have already connected withme are fabulous, friendly and so supportive that I may just have to move up my quit date whichis set for May31st.

Thank you all for all the sharing.



Hello I just joined this community and from what I've read so far sounds like this is the site for quitting cigarettes. My youngest daughter which is 25 is my back support for quitting.   I'm really in the groove for doing it this time thanks EX.

Hi, I just joined this group to get help and support to quit smoking. As I go through the pages I'm wondering is there a page on suggestions of what to do in place of triggers? Is there a plan I can follow to help in this area. I really don't know how to start?

I'm in the middle of my first day and the crankiness is real. Wish I had put smokes down years back but instead I waited till now in mid menopause complete with hot flashes and all the hormonal turmoil that comes with it. I know there's no perfect time to stop but there are probably worse times than others. Can't wait for this problem to go away so might as well take the bull by the horns and do it.


Welcome to the community please read everything you can about quitting smoking and remaining quit because there's a wealth of information here to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb and start living a life of Freedom, you've got this quit believe it deep breaths and stay close because we're all here to help you in any way we and this evening you can look yourself in the mirror and smile and say yay for Day WON with many more to come .Next2becomeEx


Thank you for your support.

On Tue, Jun 19, 2018, 2:58 PM Marilyn.H.July.14.14. <


You are so very welcome, we're all here to help you through any rough patches that you may come upon stay close and blog help so we can help you through. Next2becomeEx


How do I quit an stay with people who smoke here in the house.  I love my family very much an quitting smoking is what I need to do for me an I just hope you can give me some advice on how to quit with smokers that live here 

Community Manager
Community Manager

2befree2 wrote:

Hi, I just joined this group to get help and support to quit smoking. As I go through the pages I'm wondering is there a page on suggestions of what to do in place of triggers? Is there a plan I can follow to help in this area. I really don't know how to start?

Have you seen this post? It might be a start for you.

Track Your Tobacco and Identify Your Triggers | Guides & Tools | BecomeAnEX  and Beat Your Tobacco Triggers | Guides & Tools | BecomeAnEX should help too.

EX Community Manager


Do they smoke outside?


If not, ask them to smoke outside. It will make them start thinking before they smoke.

Put some vicks under your nose to remind yourself you've quit. If they won't smoke outside, make a point of doing it in front of them.


if they are condescending? Tell them you are saving yourself.

Common sense Any sense at all would indicate NOT smoking is a better quality of life.


Well, since Mark is responding to someone's question from two years ago, I guess I'll add:  /blogs/c2q-blog/2016/10/19/beating-future-triggers ; /blogs/Chuck_Quit_2-20-2011-blog/2015/03/04/those-darn-triggers 


There was a question to me this morning that made this post pop up.


Here's some material that may help: ; .  You can also click on the search magnifying glass icon (upper right) and put in a search query.  The search feature on this Jive platform is pretty good.


My name is Ashley Smith. I've been smoking for 3 years. I'm excited about quiyquit and nervous at the same time.


I also want you to know that my husband smokes so I need advice on how to quit while he still smokes.


Welcome Ashley!  Just giving ShawnP‌ a head's up in case she misses your response.  If you're comfortable with it, why not put up a blog so everybody can jump on your bandwagon.  Simply click on the pencil icon (upper right), select blog or discussion, give it a title, write the body of it and click Post at the bottom.  Glad you've joined us.  Here's another blog on the subject you touched on by Dr. Hays that may be of help:  and another: .  Cheers!


I don’t think I can do this alone. I don’t have family or friends I can turn to for help on quitting because of the mental illness stigma.  Reading causes anxiety. Right now I can’t focus on words on a page and it’s frustrating. How can I get support from folks I can speak with?


"Be patient with me"

I have ask everyone to be patient with me during this process. I feel certain I can stop smoking it is the mood swings that I need to control. 


Thank you Dr. Hays!  I will not quit quitting!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you! Blessings!

Acerca del autor
An expert in tobacco use and dependence, Dr. Hays has authored and co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed scholarly articles and book chapters on various aspects tobacco dependence and its treatment. Since joining the Nicotine Dependence Center in 1992, he and its staff have treated more than 50,000 patients for tobacco dependence.