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Guilt and Willpower

Mayo Clinic
0 7 91

People who have tried to stop smoking many times often feel guilty that they continue to smoke and blame themselves for not having enough willpower.  However, they persist in trying.  Like courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to act in the face of fear, the persistence in trying to stop smoking despite the difficulty is a demonstration of willpower not the absence of willpower.  If you are one of these I would encourage you to continue to persist, but stop blaming yourself and focus the anger where it belongs.

Tobacco companies have created a highly sophisticated and extremely powerful drug delivery device in the cigarette.  Nicotine is the addicting substance that is delivered to the brain very efficiently by a cigarette.  The nicotine molecule can travel into the brain only in an “unbound” or “free” form.  Tobacco companies have ‘improved’ cigarettes by using ‘bases’ like ammonia to change the pH of cigarettes and enhance or ‘free-base’ nicotine thus making the nicotine travel to the brain more quickly, speeding up the delivery of nicotine and increasing its addicting potential.  The companies also manipulate the amount of nicotine in the cigarette so that they are consistent from one smoke to the next.  All of this makes it more difficult for most smokers to stop. 

Unfortunately, using this product, as it is designed, will kill more than one half of the people who use it.  If you smoke, it is important that you stop, even though it can be hard.  Don’t blame yourself.  Instead, use every tool available to help you stop smoking.  Learn how to stop giving your hard-earned money to the industry that continues to hook their customers to this most deadly product.

7 Comentarios

If you really want to quit, completely disregard this post, it's full of crap.


Tommy would have a field day with this blame game post.

I feel your pain dr. hurt. (does someone right these for you? cause somethings wrong)


You can't blame the tobacco industry for your smoking,

any more than I can blame McDonalds for my 40 inch waist!


What others think is not my concern however everything you have addressed has beeb true for me, depression, failure etc.  Thank you for your input. please keep posting.


It sounds like the blame game to me!!  I SO agree with you Dale and Breakinthechains - I have heard people on this site bemoan the tobacco companies for "what they are doing to people"  and I always think to myself exactly what you said, like blaming McDonalds for a 40 inch waist.  Or how about - gamblers blaming casinos, alcoholics blaming distilleries, compulsive shoppers blaming malls and online shopping channels.  ITS A CHOICE WE MAKE AND WE ALONE ARE TO BLAME IF WE SMOKE.  Shutting every single one of these down wouldn't make ANY difference - we are addicts and you know how good addicts are at finding what they want if they really, really want it!!


I have always believed the cigarettes are not to blame because I smoked.  They never delivered them to my house or made me light one, I chose to do that.  I was raised in Ky and I know how to grow tobacco from bedding plants to harvest so if the companies closed and I wanted to smoke I would know how to do it.  It is choices we made and no one else is to blame.


I think the point of the article is actually not to beat yourself up but use the tools available to you.  Yes the companies enhance their products just as slot machine makers employ pyschologists in designing their game.  This is undisputed.  Its a business plan and simple.  Is it their fault I smoke - NO!  Do I blame them no!  Its business.  BIG business and its in their best interest to increasing "improve" their product.  So while its not helping its out there.  I choose to smoke and I am the only one that can do anything about that. 

Acerca del autor
Retired in 2014. Dr. Richard D. Hurt is an internationally recognized expert on tobacco dependence. A native of Murray, Kentucky, he joined Mayo Clinic in 1976 and is now a Professor of Medicine at its College of Medicine. In 1988, he founded the Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center and since then its staff has treated more than 50,000 patients for tobacco dependence.