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“But smoking is my best friend.”

Mayo Clinic
3 10 483

Sometimes people say stopping smoking is like giving up your best friend and is not only something the smoker looks forward to but also something they rely on.  It is always there when needed.  However, the accompanying feelings of doing harm to your health can result in disappointment that you are not living up to your personal values.  This can be a love/hate relationship.  It is common to feel, “I can’t live with it, and I can’t live without it!”  You are not alone.  It is normal to go through stages of grief in stopping smoking.  These feelings typically include: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. 

‘Denial’ of the importance of stopping smoking can be countered by remembering (or writing down) the positives of not smoking and the negatives of smoking.

It is also normal to experience the feeling of ‘Anger’, especially if you feel you have to stop something you have been relying on like losing a friend.  Recognizing that there is a life (probably more satisfying) without smoking can ease the pain.  Recognize it is your decision to choose not to smoke.  Next, ‘Bargaining’ is easy to recognize.  People will go to great lengths to hang on to an addiction.  Common thoughts are: “I’ll only smoke during specific times of the day”, “I’ll substitute cigars”, “I’ll use electronic cigarettes in places I can’t smoke”, “I’ll change brands”, “I’ll only have one,” etc.  You have decided to become smoke-free so don’t waste your energy in bargaining.  Put the energy to use in positives. 

Next, a feeling of some ‘Depression’ is fairly common.  Remember nicotine causes an increase of dopamine in the brain, the feeling of pleasure.  Eliminating this, especially when the brain wants it, can result in a low mood.  Negative mood is also a sign of nicotine withdrawal.  Exercise and support from friends are common ways to improve this.  If negative mood or feelings of depression become more severe, a health care professional should be involved. 

And finally ‘Acceptance’ of tobacco dependence is an overwhelming and destructive addiction that kills over half of those who continue to let it control them can be a last step in grieving for the cigarette.  You are writing the next chapter in your life and it does not include cigarettes.

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10 Comentarios

I remember when smoking was my best friend. I've come a long way baby!!! And so can all you newbies. Listen to the doc. He knows what he's talking about. Continuing to smoke is staying in an abusive relationship. It's time to learn to love yourself enough to make the change. 


I get this completely. Thanks for describing the stages so well.


Always good to hear from you! I certainly experienced all those feelings and a few more!


I suppose it's no coincidence I am reading the blogs i am reading today. I needed to read every one of them. Thanks for this one.


That was good, I was trying to find a way to smoke, I am just playing mind games with myself. I WILL NOT SMOKE !!!!!  day 37 I am going to make it. Helen.


day 94 for me, looking foward too the triple club, thanks for all the support from all you loving caring people.......sharon


I used this site to quit smoking before.  I quit for 2 years and went back to it.  I'm ready to be a non~smoker again but it seems so much harder this time.  I think I'm going to get some Welbuturin from my doc because I think that was a huge help last time.


@cheri101971 Welcome back the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  I used Welbutrin and nicotrol inhaler and celebrated 3 years recently.   An aid can benefit many quitters, but remember you still have to do the work.  Even if you did this before this before, take this opportunity to read as much as you can on this site to reeducate yourself about nicotine addiction and to develop a plan with the tools you'll use and the new associations you'll create instead of smoking.  

If your interested, " Post to My Blog" to introduce yourself to the  community and receive lots of support.  We're here for you , so just reach out anytime.



Thank you! Much appreciated. 


Yet another helpful piece of information from MAYO.  Thanks to them and @Barbscloud for sending me here.  

Acerca del autor
Retired in 2014. Dr. Richard D. Hurt is an internationally recognized expert on tobacco dependence. A native of Murray, Kentucky, he joined Mayo Clinic in 1976 and is now a Professor of Medicine at its College of Medicine. In 1988, he founded the Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center and since then its staff has treated more than 50,000 patients for tobacco dependence.