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well yesterday went well for the first half of the day i didn't smoke till about 12:30 p.m. and to tell you the truth i felt and overwhelming amount of guilt afterwards. and then i got real down on myself for it. my fiance keeps telling me that you can't quit in just one day and i am of the frame of mind why not. you pretty much pick up the habit in one day. why not quit the same way. i understand his point of it's easier to pick up a habit good or bad then break one. so i am still struggling but i will win. this is not going to beat me. i won't allow it. so here goes another day. Good luck to everyone else who are quitting!
My thinking is...if you continue to smoke, you continue to feed the addiction. The nicodemon will always want more. In fact, your body goes through withdrawals 15 minutes after the last cigarette! Crazy, right?

If you cut back, it won't be for long (at least not without support such as Chantix). You just need to set a date at least two weeks from now to prepare to quit for good. It is the only way. Cutting back now (as you are already doing) helps to prepare for the day you decide not to pick one up ever again...if you ever need to vent or talk I am always here! You can beat this!!!! You just have to be ready to say goodbye for good.
I think people quit in many different ways and for many different reasons. I really liked this Ex program, but lots of people just do it cold turkey. Determination is the key. You can do it.
I agree that the best way to do it is to plan a quit date and stick to it. Cutting back will only take you so far. You have to decide to quite and do it. If by change you slip up or become weak and smoke, don't beat yourself up over it. Just get back on the wagon and move forward. You can do it! Remember you are doing this for you.
thanks guys you all have really great points. i really appreciate them. so onward i go with this battle.
Just Take it one day at a time.
you are very right. and that's how i am looking at it. actually one craving at a time. sometimes looking at the big pic can be extremely overwhelming.