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vaping addicts

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Just currious if im the only one on here getting in fights against vape groups ussaly on facebook last one was a long one for a new patch lady posted just vape i cant help myself and these addicts will fight to support there new addiction i try to tell them its like doing cocaine to kick there meth addiction then i tell them to smoke or vape or do what they want but dont tell people its life changing or healthy i dont come on groups saying to drink diet pepsi that its good for you these people want to feel better more people are in the same group of addicts pisses me off 


I have a quit smoking group on facebook and in the "about this group" area, I basically say, "if you are going to vape to quit smoking, I have no way of helping you because by continuing those same motions are continuing the connection to smoking and the nicotine addiction as well and you can't unlearn these connections when you are still doing them.  There are plenty of vaping groups if that's what you're looking for."


I think it is a really sad trend and I agree that it is a horrible way to quit smoking.  


Its every week i get in long debate with vape crap that pops up i cant help myself to look at coments then its on 

I tried the vapes in previous quits and they only enhanced the urge for a real smoke. Vapors are just what they are electronic CIGARETTES. Some people successfully use them without a problem but they're not to be trusted because there's still not enough research to deem them safe and like you mentioned it's still full filling the hand mouth habit as well as the nicotine.

They don't get that they're still a slave to nicotine. It's only a better choice to them. That's how they see it. They don't smoke cigarettes so they have quit. Don't let em get under your skin.

We can all just keep on keepin on,


not worth the argument


You might use the following on them:


E-cigarettes are often touted as safer than traditional tobacco products, but according to a study released by the Harvard School of Public Health, they may still be extremely harmful to smokers’ health.

According to the study, 75 percent of flavored e-cigarettes and refill liquids tested contained the chemical diacetyl — a chemical that causes an incurable disease known as “Popcorn Lung.”


“Popcorn Lung,” otherwise known as bronchiolitis obliterans, causes scarring in tiny air sacs in the lungs that lead to excessive coughing and shortness of breath. “Popcorn Lung” earned its nickname in 2004 when several workers at a Missouri popcorn factory developed the disease.

Though diacetyl is often associated with buttering flavor used in popcorn, it’s also found in fruit and alcohol flavorings often used in e-cigarettes.

What’s even more disturbing is that diacetyl was found in a number of e-cigarette flavors that could appeal to children, like “Cotton Candy,” “Fruit Squirts” and “Cupcake.”



I would suggest that you shouldn't waste your time.  You're time is more valuable - on here for instance.  Just as we can't convince smokers to quit, you aren't going to convince vapers of your point of view.  It's a no-win situtation and will only aggravate the hell out of you.  Better to spend your energies on those you can help, rather than arguing with those you can't.  My opinion only.


Oh I totally agree. It is the ecigs and vaping that I am addicted to for over 4 years. Like my husband says.., anything in your lungs except air and meds seems to be unhealthy. I would absolutely never recommend vaping to anyone quitting. I do need support now that I am quitting for sure 5/1/17. Thank you for mentioning this topic. It needs investigating.


Chermcclane13‌ Are you coming to EX to quit?  Have you done the reading and made a quit kit?  Are you prepared for the inevitable craves that will come.  I would think that it would really be just like quitting smoking...addiction is addiction.

We are all here for you and welcome to EX...stay close, read blogs, blog yourself, and let us know if there is anything we can do to help.



Chermcclane13‌ How are you doing with your quit?  Have you been able to stop vaping?