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so sad right now

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I'm just feeling so sad right now. Sometimes it just hits me. I'm not sure if it's if my medications from my psychiatrist need to be adjusted/fixed, if it's the hard part of quitting nicotine or part of quitting the other thing I'm struggling with which I won't mention here as it is beyond the scope of this site.

But I just feel really bummed and not interested in much. there are small points where things are interesting, but sometimes i just experience points of severe anhidonia where I don't find pleasure in anything.

I have bipolar, which then makes it difficult for my psychiatrist to prescribe antidepressants because they could trigger the other side of the coin which is actually worse in a way. But I might discuss it with her anyway to see what she thinks, as I have an appointment with her in about a week or so. but I'm not sure she would want to change anything, depending on how I answer the scoring questions she has me do every time we meet. in reality it's kind of annoying, but I also understand the importance of the questions, too. to gage how well my treatment is going and all that jazz. I just want to feel better. feeling like this is a real bummer. Even if I'm watching something I normally like or listening to something cool, it still doesn't feel right and nothing feels, well, normal. So hoping I can get myself into a space where I feel better soon.