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set me stright , for the last 3 days i feel like i am falling backwards, insteard of things geting better i feel like old NIC is getting me.  think positive what is going on. ?


Not sure what you mean, Lois but old Nic is YOU.,.you have to make up your mind what you want to do and keep in mind that there are always going to be good days and bad days, no matter what you do.  You can elect to take care of yourself and get to know yourself or you can elect to slowly kill yourself...that's what smoking is...sometimes it is not so slow but it is NEVER good for you.  You can do this, Lois, you KNOW you can!


Lois - So sorry, I forgot how many days you have, but yes, you will have some bad days, but the only way out of this "hell" it to go thru it - one day, one minute, or one second at a time - You can do this - think positive thoughts and stay close to your friends here at EX. 

Love you, Your Arkansas Neighbor, Jennifer


You must find distractions and keep your mind as well as your hands busy we will always have the off day but we distract ourselves with whatever for a few minutes 20 times a day if need be . We stay strong and not give in to the cravings or urges. 


thanks Elvan sometimes i don't make my self clear. i am going to take deep breaths. i qam going to keep my quit .


i am on day 25,


Lois, you know you can live free from smoking.  When you decided to quit, you knew there would be good days and not so good, but everyday you decide not to smoke is actually an EXcellent day! Keep moving forward, do whatever it takes to be free. 


Hi Lois.... you know the routine.... it is about choice.   If you decide that this is your forever quit ... then it will be.   If you make a decision to smoke... well, you also know how that goes too.   What I can tell you is if you decide to get this done you can stop doing this to yourself and live a smoke free life. 

You are the only person I know that on this site that tortures yourself to death..... STOP THE PAIN.... just get it over with and DON'T SMOKE.   I would go crazy going through the first two weeks over and over again.  I hate to see anyone in that much pain.

Get through NML... and then see how you feel. 


Hang in there Lois!  You can do this! 


Lois, You know what to expect, you have been here many many times !!  It's all about choices. You either chose to smoke or not smoke.   Your choice !! 

Never restart a journey and use the same road that failed you before


keep calm and carry on



Remember how you felt 25 days ago. You DON'T want to smoke. Don't let a negative thought stop you from getting to your goal this time. Re commit to your quit now and recommit everytime a thought crosses your mind. It isn't horrible being a nonsmoker. There will come a day that you are going to think to ypurself. Why did i ever put myself thru that smokey hell! Push thru....NOPE

Lois, you can do this, trust me, you don't want to smoke.  I lost my battle at day 26 and  My lungs started hurting the very next day!  It was awful !  Now I have a upper respiratory infection and am coughing my head off.  Just don't do it, it's not with it.


No good reason to smoke its horrible just need to get to freedom takes time to get there you have been close befor don't turn back 


I remember after my first month I got hit like that , addiction , takes time to fight threw.

You may have more days like you've had lately, but keep pushing past it .You can do it.


Hi Lois,

There is absolutely nothing good smoking will do for you Lois!  you and I both know that. Keep moving forward. We are cheering for you Lois. It will pass


I strongly recommend you go read Thomas's post about Surfing the Urge, what an awesome tool and fresh perspective on dealing with those horrible thoughts!