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nostalgia freak

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Okay, so I’m a nostalgia freak. I love old time movies.  But old time movies normally include smoking main characters.   I’m sitting here, watching Netflix movies and drinking a glass of beer and enjoying the oldie flicks.  Sometimes I feel like: geez, maybe smoking is okay…. The big guys on the screen do it.  Then I ask myself, Pam:  Do you really want a smoke?  Do you really ‘need’ a smoke?  The answer is always no – to both questions.   I can, in fact  enjoy a movie where the main characters smoke and not have a trigger.  I do not ‘need’ or ‘want’ a smoke simply because some character was written to smoke on screen.  I actually feel sorry for these actors who had to smoke. Though I realize that if they didn’t’ already smoke, the actors would probably have objected to it…. So in any case – I am okay with watching people smoke during a movie and not have it ‘trigger’ any emotion to smoke.  Just wanted to share.  😉


Hi Pam---I had to smile at your blog----when my husband and I quit last year---we would notice anyone who was smoking on television/movies....we made the following observations:

1. Up to about the 1980's, many people smoked on TV--"good" guys and "bad" guys

2. After the 1980's up to about the late 1990's---you could tell if someone was a "bad" guy because they were the ONLY ones smoking any longer on movies

3. Now? No one smokes on movies----not "good" guys or "bad" guys...even "drug lords" appear to have quit!!!! 


Hi Pam!  I think on Whyquitcom there is a list of famous actors taken down early because they smoked.  I've noticed how often the lead character in movies are smoking and it makes me really angry. In the beginning I couldn't even watch a show like that. Now I'm mad but comfortable. No wonder young aduls romanticize (spellin?) smoking. Criminal really. Anyway I know you wre trying to relax so sorry if I intruded in that. Have a nice evening.



It's so cool knowing we can watch others smoke without having to light  up. I never thought that would happen, and yet here we all sit talking about it, and not lighting up while we're doing it!!!!!!!!!!! GOOOOO Usssssssssssss


I hate it when your hungry and they keep showing pizza hut and olive garden and dairy queen. commercials.....i want some icecream now


Jeannie, You are too funny! For me, I crave pop corn, not ice cream!... each to their own!  Have a wonderful smoke free Tuesday!  Fore some reason I cannot post on your page?  maybe another ex site glitch!


Funny you brought this up! I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's for the first time the other night and EGADS there was a lot of smoking by everyone everywhere. Unpleasant actually seeing that much smoke and I've gotta wonder how much lung disease these folks suffered later on in life! For a sec though made me wish that there were no consequences to smoking they appeared to be enjoying it so much -- we know the LIES and DECEPTIONS now though.... 


Hi Pam, I read alot and was worried that people smoking in my books would bother me. But I just think about it a second and go on. 🙂 I especially like it when the author adds how much they are coughing or leaving the room to smoke. 🙂

