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my quit date. october 15th

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set my quit date. i moved it closer. i did have it set for the 21st. now planning on reading. readng everything i can get my hands on before the date. took some good advice from all the comments ive recieved so far. one to not make the date to far away and to read read and read some more. thank you all.. i willl keep posting. i find its a good release for me.


Hi aussam, Welcome to the site. Very glad you are here and made the decision to quit. You will see that it's the best health decision you could've made. It's good that you like to post as well, I find that coming here on a daily basis is very good for me and helping others is exactually helping me. Nice to see that you set a date and that you are reading about the nicotine addiction. Having a good attitude about your quit is very important as well. I look forward to seeing you in the blogs.


Congrats on your decision to quit. Make the committment to yourself and when the time comes keep it always. Not One Puff Ever or NOPE as we call it. I've got plenty of helpful links on my page (just click on my avatar to get there) that have lots of helpful information. Learn about the addiction. Stay real close to the blogs.  See you around!



Hello Aussam!  I agree with Jojo, especially as your quit day draws near.  Practice those exercises start seriously working on breaking your triggers.  It made a huge difference for me.  This site has been so inspirational, no matter where your path takes you stay close to all of us.  I so hope for your success, but if you slip, still come back we'll help you begin again.  Good Luck!  Congratulations on your decision.  I made the same decision a few months ago, and am reaping many rewards because of it.

Stay in touch!  Remember NOPE, and you will make it!


Aussam--congratulations on re-setting your quit date and on your decision to quit.  You are doing some great preparation by reading.  Stay close to this site--we are all here to help you.  And after you quit date remember--NOPE (Not One Puff Ever).


Congratulations on re-setting your quit date, Aussam!  Read and read and read from now until then.  And PREPARE for how you will handle the craves when they come.  Gum and mints work for some folks.  Celery sticks.  Nuts.  Deep breathing.  Chewing ice cubes.  Jumping jacks.  Angry Birds.  Biting into a lemon.  Sticking your head into a freezer.  It doesn't matter what coping strategies you choose.  But it DOES matter that you plan for cravings and you prepare for handling them.  Then you take the plunge and just STOP smoking.  At first, you make it through one craving at a time.  Then one day at a time.  And, amazingly, it gets easier and easier.  You can do this, Aussam.  And everyone here is ready and waiting to help you in any way we can.