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my first day

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Today is the first complete day of not smoking. Today went well. I just ended up with a little headache later in the day. I once quit for 6 years and have been smoking for about 6 months now. Quitting is the easy part for me. Its after, when I get upset about something that I seem to loose my willpower. I am looking forward to the support I am going to get from this community. Thanks!
welcome Philip!
congratulations on deciding to quit again!
6 years quit before is quite an accomplishment. you will find lots of support here
being angry is my worst time too. it used to get me everytime. but now i really have learned something. if i get mad about something, what does a cigarette do for my situation? absolutely nothing except maybe bring guilt and anger at myself. the calming aspect of smoking is really an illusion.
Sounds like the stinkin' thinkin' gets ya! When we are away from our addictions for a period of time sometimes that addiction starts to talk to says don't you remember how much better you felt after a smoke?? Did you ever once have just *a* smoke? Just 1? I don't know about you but they come in packs for me! It never seemed to make anything better either. I was able to smoke away the problem for 5 minutes but it was still there just shoved down deep with every drag I inhaled. Read up on different techniques to handle anger issues. Congratualions on your first day and you must have a ton of knowledge from your 6 year quit to bring with you!
Welcome!! welcome!! Welcome!!!! AND WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO on your non smoking day! keep up the good work!
Hi Philip,
I think anger is a big trigger for lots people, including myself.
Now I ask myself a question before reaching for a cig.
Is this smoke going to make me feel less upset?
For me, the answer is no. I will still be mad about it in 5 minutes, regardless if I smoke or not.
I take a time out from the situation. Go somewhere by myself and just sit and think about it. Take a few deep breaths until I am calmer and want to talk about it or whatever.
Give it a try.
Its an illusion that smoking calms us down. All it does is satisfy the craving and actually makes us more agitated.
Feel free to add me as a friend if you want to work on this together.
Hi Philip!
I don't find quitting easy, although I am happy for those who have. But, I too struggle when I get upset or feel angry. I don't get upset or angry very often, and right now at 24 days and am trying to learn how to face those feelings when I have them - not avoid them (which I so much like to do)! I'm glad your here - congrats on your first successful day (with MANY more to come)!!

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