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Share your quitting journey

just starting

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I'm trying to quit smoking, this will be for the 3rd time in my life. the first time I went cold turkey and did it quite well for 3 months then started back up. Second time I tried didn't go well at all. This time I'm trying it this way with support & Dr's help which I had the second time but really think the Dr's help wasn't enough. I need to do this for my health. I want to quit, I need to quit, there are things I don't want to happen though as I quit also. I don't want to gain weight that will just make another health factor for me. I don't need. I know this is going to be rough but I can and will do it. I have set my quit date as the 22nd of May.  Many health factors now that have nothing to do with smoking are already in my life. Taking smoking out of my life will just help  the new ones that are coming up get better so I don't have to deal with them in the future. I've been smoking for 20 yrs so wish me luck, LOL how about just supporting me I know I just need to do it luck has nothing to do with it.  We just need to stick with it and change our habits in our lives.

thanks all



BY Jove.....I think she's got it!

You really hit the nail on the head Bug when you said....."I've been smoking for 20 yrs so wish me luck, LOL how about just supporting me I know I just need to do it and luck has nothing to do with it."

No truer words have been spoken on this Site girl!  There is no luck in the actual decision or maintenance of your quit, but there is luck in thikings that a  person I knew 5 years ago would still remember you - even though you think the reason they are there instead of the real season well pay them a benefit.

Keep fighting the battle and before you know it, it will be history.


Here I am again. You might not like me but I want to help you!!!!! I might just be the sandpaper in your life that you don’t want but need. Here is a book that someone sent me the day before I was going to quit. Lol was late for Easter dinner at my daughters as I kept reading. I need to reread. Please, reach out for help and accept the help. We ALL NEED EACH OTHER!!!!!! Not a haha from me as on day 3 I basically told my husband and best friend to get lost. Oh and my very very bff, my cig. Was not there to guide me thru it. I stood up for myself and didn’t have to have the old, “friend of 39 years”

I am FREE, FREE, FREE. I am a new person. It is so wonderful to be free. I will help you and stalk you in any way I can to help you be an EX. Hummm must go back and read the rules of this site. I will DO WHATEVER I can to help you even if it means I get kicked off this site. I am only one month EX. Have quit many times before but this site is helping me STAY QUIT.


 shoot forgot to past the book that someone from this site gave me. It is worth a read and reread and even a reread again. I am here for you if you want help.


if you don't want to gain weight, eat 200 calories less a day, do not use food as a substitute for smoking, walk or exercise.

to replace the dopamine smoking gave you with laughter, music, exercise


thanks for the support all, I really appreciate it, boy I would love to be able to walk instead of eat for the substiute of smoking, not eating is easy for me. I don't hardly eat now, so that's not something I have a problem with. the walking is going to be a problem tho, I'm on crutches for now will be for at least 6 weeks & don't know how long after that. 😞 I'll survive. walking, hiking exploring the ourdoors was my life.