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it finally happened

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there is only one person in my company that smokes.  He must have just come back in from having his cigarette and I smelled in the hallway and I can say for the FIRST TIME IT STUNK.  It made me a little sick!!!

I was waiting for that!

LOL  Robin Ann


Woo Hoo!!! I am also waiting for that moment.... I don't think the smell of cigarettes are disgusting, but smelling doesn't make me want to go and smoke one like I used to... Celebrate the little moment...Those are the biggest moments!

Jo 31 DOF


I am still super embarrassed that I went around smelling like that for so long.  I had a professional job, and knew that others were wondering why I continued to smoke - knowing how bad it was for me.  I can now smell a smoker from a block away -YUCK!

I am SO glad I don't stink like that anymore - and I know you are, too!



So Cool! And right before your initiation into the Triple Digit Club, too! Way to go! I'm like Nancy @youngatheart; I cringe when I think about the times I passed my boss in the hall on the way back from a smoke break, or stunk up my mother-in-law's garage when it was blizzarding out -- just glad I can say "I don't do that anymore."

Yeah for you!

P.S. - see you on the train tomorrow!


Yay for you, life just keeps getting better and better without the crutch of smoking, congrats on your awesome quit.


Sometimes taking a whiff of smoke will remind you how thankful you are that you don't do that anymore.


HOORAY! You are really smelling now. That means good and bad things


wafting on a breeze is a good memory.

Crowded rooms, no.

Peoples clothes, no.


 Robin Ann,

     Hey. Happy to hear the good news. remember we're all in this together, and I'm pullin' for ya.


Those kinds of milestones are SO COOL!  Days quit are fun milestones, but the ones where there's an actual breakthrough to another side of quit town are the BEST.  And what's especially wonderful about them is - they keeping happening all along the journey!  That first day you think about a cigarette ALL DAY!  That first day you think about a cigarette but realize you don't want one.  Your journey's going great.  Kudos!


bookee6  I remember saying something to my husband about my rheumatologist not knowing that I smoked.  He said, "You're kidding, right?  You DO know that you smell, don't you?"  I was incredibly offended...NO, I did NOT know that I smelled. Hahaha, how strong can denial be?  I am really glad you had that break through, it's a BIG one!


Thank you all.  Believe it or not the guy I smelled really thinks he has is wife fooled.  He thinks his wife doesn't know he smoke. Really talk about denial.  

Honestly it it was a really cool feeling. Just the next step on journey and makes me want to stay quit. Love to all. 

Have a great safe night 


I worked with a girl who was also, she thought, a "secret" smoker as far as her husband and kids were concerned.  At 4:45 every afternoon, she'd go and brush her teeth, then come back to the office to suffocate us in clouds of deodorant spray and / or perfume, suck on mints, spray her mouth,  put hairspray on her hair - it was an entire ritual.  You'd see us all scatter to wash our coffee cups or anything else just to escape the fumes.

Then I picked up a call one day - it was the husband who asked "is Renata at her desk please?  Or is she outside smoking?"  I found it very amusing;  I was still a smoker but even I knew you couldn't mask that smell.  I never informed her of his question.  Thought I'd let them get to that conversation in their own way.  But everytime she started fumigating us and the office and herself, I couldn't help but smile to myself.  

The lengths we'll go to, to protect our addiction!!


OMG, Bree19‌, you crack me up! 


OMG you made me laugh!! bookee6 elvan   I have been going to the same Dr. for a few years now... Every time i go the nurse practitioner who takes all the vitals asks me about smoking..I always tell her half a pack a day some times less. LOL mind you I smoked about a pack and a half  day. My Doctors office merged with a medical group so last time I was in the nurse asked me again and I gave her the same answer but added "but I have a quit date" her smile was half a sneer but she didn't write it down or offer any encouragement. (My Dr was thrilled) Anyway,that night when i got home I decided to Check Out the Patient Portal that I now had access to after I signed up.. I went to the my Account  section and there under my name I was mortified to read the words   HEAVY SMOKER!   HaHaHa I guess I hadn't fooled them on bit!

Tomorrow will be officially 1 month and 688 cigarettes avoided since I quit. I almost cant wait to go to the Dr.  and give that nurse the same half smile and say I don't do that anymore...

Congratulations Robin you are doing so well!!  I cant wait to get to that Ewww smoker feeling.


CONGRATULATIONS lynnel331 , that feeling of telling your doctor(s) or your dentist that you QUIT smoking is MAGINIFICENT!


*MAGNIFICENT not that weird word above.


"It made me a little sick!!!"



You are so funny. I know it feels good to tell doctors you quit.  I am so happy for you 1 month see you soon.       


lynnel331  Are you still with us?  I sure hope so, I want to hear about that nurse when you sneer back at her.  I do so hope that happened!

Thinking of you,




yes I'm still here.. 4 months 9 days now!!! So Exciting and happy at the thought of not going outside and freezing this Christmas just to have a smoke lol. My life has been crazy the last 2 months... My mom was sick, my cat had bladder stones removed, and just this week the permanent bridge I had in my mouth snapped off with my teeth in it! I have been hiding in my house  because they cant get a temporary in till Tuesday!

I am amazed that I haven't smoked, but very proud of myself also that I haven't    The nurse that I so wanted to tell was not in the last time I went, nor was my regular Doctor... His stand in that I see when I can't see mine was absolutely thrilled.     Thank you for thinking of me Ellen! 


You are SO WELCOME...I just LOVED telling my doctor and my dentist.  I am so sorry about your mother's illness and the poor cat's bladder stones, they are so painful.  My daughter's cat has had one cat who has really struggled with them...she now orders some special and very expensive food for him...YIKES.  I hope you mother and the cat both improve.  I am SO sorry about the "permanent" bridge...I struggled with one of those for a long time until it became clear that there was nothing they could fix the bridge to.  I ended up having several extractions and now have a partial upper and lower denture.  I am not overly fond of them but they work, I was "lucky" because my issues were back teeth on the top and the bottom.  It took me MONTHS to get the partials and I had to make some serious threats about calling the board of the clinic that I went to.  The extractions were done in May and I did not get the dentures until December...that was ridiculous.

Hope things settle down for you, I am so happy for your, keeping your quit and getting stronger and stronger.

