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Share your quitting journey

hypocrite maybe ? need my friends :'(

0 7 30

I still havent smoked! My ex contacted me and I thought I would want a cig immediately for stress relief. Then it hit me. He has been using the excuse to do hard drugs for years due to stress. And yes thats y we arent together and I dont want him around my kid. Ive eaten dirt and will do again to keep my kid safe, so I know I didnt smoke cig around my kid and only smoked a few most days, I realized  that excuse wont fly with me anymore. All the drama...prolly court...ever since I was pregnant the thought of not being around my son a couple hours when he isn't at school kills me. I literally cant breathe. I also know he will quit all that crap if and when he wants. Im done, im part old sam part new sam. im still keeping the weight off ive lost so that feels good to be in smaller clothes.  Prayers needed very much. Thanks in advance 🙂


{{Sam}}  I'm so sorry about what you are going thru!  I know how hard it is to be the mother and trying to protect your children.

I have five, and my husband is a complete ass!  But I am stuck here.  I cannot leave.  No where to go.  I have no career.  I have no money.  If I left it would financially ruin us.  I know about not being able to breathe when being away from your child.  This does not end once they are older either.  My third child, daughter, ran away yesterday because of a bunch of sh!t that went down yesterday. (read my blog if u wanna know the whole story) My prayers are with you!  Glad you came here 🙂


Sam,   Just keep strong.    You have the "Mama Bear" mindset that will help you overcome so're doing it all for your kid....and now recognize you need to also be doing all you are doing to have a healthier life....for you.

Come here often and "talk" to us....ok?



why does it seem like smokers have more trouble than anyone else?

why does it seem like smokers have the world on a string?

it's because life goes in cycles and smokers medicate themselves in both cycles.

quitting smoking takes the blinders off

keep your eyes wide open, you are on your way to freedom


I am so sorry you are having to deal with all this.  

Life is always going to happen, though, and how we respond to it is what matters.  You CAN choose how you will respond!  I hope you understand that smoking will not make life any easier, or make you feel better!  You can't control any of that - but you CAN control THIS!

Stay comitted!  I can already tell you are a strong woman!

Hang in there!  Let us know how we can help.



I'm so sorry you have to deal with such an idoit. Pray often, pray hard, and keep your promises to yourself. You will be OK, Sam. I have complete faith in you


Hey Sam! So glad you are still smokefree! You have not blogged in a couple weeks...Maybe stay a bit closer through this challenging time! Great call staying away from the hard drug guy...been there...done that...the drug will always come ours did!

I had not smoked in years when I met my EX and he did not smoke cigarettes or I would not have dated him but I had NO idea all the other stuff he did until a few years!!! Being around him was a bad idea!

Protect your kid and your Quit! xo


Thank you all my ex friends 🙂 sounds funny so thank you to all my friends who get me sam22. ★