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a few people have asked about my hair so here's a picture with it fixed. 


you don't look like a boy.... your eyes and lips are waaayyyy too pretty to be mistaken for a guys.  Just.... how important is this quit to you?  I remember being young (many moons ago) so I know hair and shit like that are much more important when you're a kid, but how important is this quit to you?


Ok, I'm an (almost) old lady, but even I know this isn't a mohawk.  I saw all your earlier blogs so I know you weren't happy with your haircut and you ended up smoking...

About the smoking, see my comment on another of your blogs.

About the haircut,, Hey. C'mon.  Hair can be ANYTHING these days.  Granted, as the old lady I claim to be, I wouldn't ask for this haircut.  But, hell, leelee, it takes GUTS to make a huge hair change.  I can't ever recall being immediately happy about a huge hair change.  It will grow on you.  Or, perhaps, it will just grow, right?

What exactly do you mean when you say "fixed"?  Did you have someone try to change the mohawk after you had it done?


Pretty kitty in the back ground on the chair. 

You can do it! Sometimes we have to practice, some quits have phases. 🙂 

Your hair looks fine. 


P.S. Jordan is right.  You have lovely eyes and lips.  If you are worried about people thinking you look like a boy, well, then play up those eyes and lips.  No one will mistake you for anything but a lovely young woman!  (Oh, crap.  I sound like a grandmother when I said "lovely young woman", didn't I?  Doesn't matter, leelee, ANYONE can help you quit.)


just so you know the hair cut isn't what set me off and it was only a momentary. I am very serirous about my quit. i FUCKED up i know. the stress of school got to me and the fact that i had to restart a project after i put so many hours into it. i know there's no excuse but i know i fucked up and it's not going to happen again. 

on another note my hair is a mohawk i just don't have it styled.


No failure is a total loss.   

Because each time we fail, we learn someting that adds knowledge and experience to our lives.

And knowledge made a Quit easier to keep.


Also I am not a kid. (I'm not upset, I know i look very young) the age 23 my be young but I am adult. 


leelee, i'm not asking you these questions to make you feel bad. You do not have to answer them to us. They are questions for you to look at and answer for yourself, and NOT SO THAT YOU WILL FEEL BAD, but so that you will see how you can do it differently.

I have no doubt that you can make this quit work!!! Its YOU that needs to believe it though, and if my question "how important is this quit to you" makes  you think "Of course its important, its life or death!"  That is great!!!!  

Please don't feel like you let US down, because you didn't. You only let yourself down and you don't need to feel sorry to anyone, but yourself. And the best way to make that up to yourself is looking at the mistakes you made so that you can do it differently. Figure out AHEAD of time what you can do differently the next time the stress gets to you. Someone mentioned on your other blog that you did not blog here for help before lighting up. Thats one thing you could do differently. Have a plan for next time so that this will never get you again. YOu can do it!!!!

You should be proud that you're right here again. A lot of times, when people mess up they go go off for days or weeks, or don't come back at all. Good for you that you're here!  Please look at the comment I made on your other blog again, now that I've made it more clear that my questions are for you to to ponder if want to .... to help you see what you did wrong and what you did right, and to make a plan for next time. Please, do not feel guilty or bad. Just move forward. And, please use the word "help" on here when you need it!


PS my kid is 24. calling you a kid just shows how old I am, not meant as an insult but 23 is a kid to an oldie like me


I  would have have blogged if i could have but it's a 3 hour class as soon as i walked outside for break (5 minutes) just to breath in some air, a guy was standing there smoking before i even thought about it i asked him for one and was smoking. I only made it half away in before I felt so bad I just dropped it and walked back to class. I messed up but I am going to move foward from it, whether or not some people think I am serious. 


who doesn't think you're serious? didn't I just go on and on saying that i believe you can do it? maybe in the early days of your quit, you should avoid stepping out for air after class because smokers will be there.   I had to stop stepping out on my friends deck to use the phone away from kids like i enjoy doing, because there was a chance someone might be smoking out there. usually i could take that, but i didn't wanna take the chance.


The hair is fine! Very pretty gal you are. 

Keep going strong, you can do this! You are SO young and SO lucky to be quitting now!

Think how much harder it will be later... and think of how much worse your body will be from it...



I'm with freedom,,,the hair is are a very pretty lady and you have alot going for you.

So you slipped and had a what....Is that a good thing?   No,  but its not the end of the world. We have all been there.

The main thing is that you fell and you got back up fighting...and came back here...that shows lot of character and internal strenght

If you put out a call for help...we will be there........if not we will still be there for you to will listen to how you feel.....non judgemental and unconditionaly. And try to work through it.

This is not an easy road to travel.....know in your don't have to travel it alone,
