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dreaming (again)

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I always used to be a vivid dreamer....

until a few years ago, don't know exactly what happened just figured my brain chemistry changed or something and I wasn't having vivid dreams. In fact, I almost completely stopped dreaming. Now, I am starting to think it might have had something to do with oxygen supply????

Since quitting smoking I have had probably half a dozen nights where I have had dreams about....smoking.

I wake up feeling...really guilty, kind of panicky, and then I wonder if I have ever sleep walked and then I worry that somehow I smoked in my sleep, but then,I gather my wits enough to realize, having gone three months without smoking I am pretty sure I would taste the skunk in my mouth if I had somehow sleep smoked.

It makes me kindafeel bad though, It is some kind of ridiculous "fantasy"....but then again I dreamed I was at a theme park last night and I was in line to get fitted for Batman wings and take was kinda cool really....looked like fun.........LOL

(if you want to know what I mean by "Batman wings" watch ....Dark Knight (i think that's the one) they make Batman wings with some sort of electrified wing skeleton and a fabric that is rigid when forward to the scene where he uses said wings for the first time...looks like fun right? that's what was at the theme park in my dreams)


oh anyway, HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR EX-ERS, my love to you and yours, stay safe, and healthy, and all the hippy-love-fest sayings you can think of.....see you next year, for my first full year of being an EX-smoker, fun will be had by all......