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discussion about lung cancer after many years of quitting

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today i watched a web video that discussed the differences between men and women and the way breast cancer affects them.  in the video, an oncologist was saying that her typical patient is a woman in her 50s or early 60s who started smoking in college and who quit when she was ready to start having kids.  even after 25+ years of quitting, lung cancer seems to catch up to them.   this is a scary thought for me.  are cancer cells "initiated' during the years of smoking, and just lie dormant or unseen until a full blown tumour or tumours come about....many, many years later? there was another segment about how quitting smoking, even after a diagnosis of lung cancer, may be drastically increase one's chances of survival.  the only sure thing, i suppose, is that quitting is the way to go.  i just hope the damage done by smoking is not irreversible in most cases.


I think about this a lot. I smoked for 31 years and just pray that I didn't wait too long to quit. I feel so much better that it has been worth it, but I'll always be a little nervous about cancer. In the meantime, I'll just enjoy each day to the fullest and breathe deeply!


Tis a scary thought! But then again - non smoker's also get lung cancer, so there is no way that quitting could ever guarentee a cancer free body.

Quitting's definitely the way to go!

Stay  strong and breath deep!


I've also had these worries about what damage I may have already done to myself. I am convincing myself that there's a reason I was led to quit NOW so maybe it's not too late. And I am also hoping that if I take really good care of myself and my body that some damage maybe IS reversible. I saw this documentary about something called the Gerson Therapy...I don't know if you've heard of it but it had some amazing stories of people cured from cancer without chemotherapy. I don't know much about it but it was interesting gave me hope that damage is not always irreversible.