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day 80 something

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I am sitting here wondering how I got this far. I am still having cravings in weird situations. Every now and then I have to be reminded of the lemon. Then POOF!!! craving gone. I love not smoking. My husband even goes to the extent of getting a shower before bed so that I dont have to smell him. lol  I love being a non smoker. I maybe can now control my asthma a little better. I am havent had any testing done. I dont have the full function of my lungs though. I have enough other medical issues going on that I am more worried about. I have to say though that things are getting better. Not just with medical, but the personal issues as well. The not smoking is just a part of my life and I will not ever be a smoker again. I even have the thought that if I bum one that noone will know but me. I cant imagine how disapointed i would be in myself to cave like that. So, I sit here know how I made it this far.




Thank you Kevin. I am a strong person and it takes a lot to break me, but there are times that I thought i was broke. But then realized that I will not die or be mutilated or even be zapped up by the aliens(this last one actually sounds fun).  That I will actually live and "survive" this ignorant craving. The support that I have received from everyone has been wonderful.

FYI The hubby went back to smoking. BOOOOOOO!!!!! Oh well, I will support him when he quits. Right now he knows that I dont. I will help anyway I can to help prepare when he is ready though


keep going. you'll make it


You are doing good. Your husband must respect your quit or he wouldn't care about you smelling the smoke on him.  Give him time, with you as example he may quit again and stay with it out the next time. My lung function is great, I walk everyday and today I did 2.3 miles quite a bit of it uphill and never got short of breath. Glad you are here and you are protecting your quit always.


Dale, coming from you that means a lot. Thank you.

Frogue, it has taken some arguing and fighting and crying to get him to understand that I mean it when I say I am a nonsmoker and that he stinks!!! He has changed a lot and I respect him for that. I am not "allowed" to walk that much because of my weight. I get shin splints from walking 1 mile. I hope that I will soon be losing some of this, but it seems to be going up more and more. GRRRR!!! I am even dieting in this crazy tackle all at once battle!!! lol Oh well, enough with the bad and on to the good. Hubby is finally on my band wagon and the kids are not as sick or coughing as much. And to top it all off with I feel much, much better!!! That's my biggest trophy yet!!

Anyway, with all of that said...Congratulations!!! 2.3 miles is no strole in the park!!! And mostly up hill? Wow good going!!! I bet you never thought that would have happened what a year and a half ago? Good going hon!! Keep up the quit and keep protecting it. You are well on your way!!!!