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Share your quitting journey

day 80 something

0 4 47

I am sitting here wondering how I got this far. I am still having cravings in weird situations. Every now and then I have to be reminded of the lemon. Then POOF!!! craving gone. I love not smoking. My husband even goes to the extent of getting a shower before bed so that I dont have to smell him. lol  I love being a non smoker. I maybe can now control my asthma a little better. I am havent had any testing done. I dont have the full function of my lungs though. I have enough other medical issues going on that I am more worried about. I have to say though that things are getting better. Not just with medical, but the personal issues as well. The not smoking is just a part of my life and I will not ever be a smoker again. I even have the thought that if I bum one that noone will know but me. I cant imagine how disapointed i would be in myself to cave like that. So, I sit here know how I made it this far.

