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day 1 again....

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So, last Thursday night, there was an "incident" so I fell off the wagon, I know, not much for willpower eh? Anyway, I'm taking advantage of this miserable head cold I started yesterday to re-quit. My daughter just got up, saw the patch on my arm, patted her own arm and gave me the thumbs up.

good for you!! i've relapsed myself since quitting in july and am smoke free for the 3rd time. pay attention to those triggers. personally, i believe it's not just about identifying the trigger, but understanding why the trigger is a hot button for you.

don't beat yourself up about falling off, give yourself credit and be proud of yourself for hopping back on 🙂 you can do it!!

shereen %}
Hey Steph! I blew my 3 day July quit too, and like you, did not allow a lot of time to get back at it. Good for you! It's not about will power, it's about a very powerful addiction and behavior modification.
What could you have done during your "incident" besides smoking? Think about it, come up with a plan A, plan B, and plan C. Next time your faced with an incident, work your plans before you smoke. If you still feel like smoking, post for help here. Hit the panic button!
We're happy you came back - hang in there!
I think all of us have multiple quits behind us. What I've found to be key is to stay positive and to change the way we think. Our subconscious minds tell us that smoking is good for us, because that is what we have fed it for many years. Now we have to retrain it, so that it knows that smoking is not good. My mantra is, "Smoking is not an option." If it is not an option, then there is no further need to think about it! It works! Also, NO = Not One. If you give yourself a sharp NO, when you think of cigarettes, you are reminding yourself that this is a bad thing to think about...Keep your mind as busy as possible! A great web site to read through is . This site will help you see this as a mental addiction and help you to overcome the nicodemon!! Give a shout if I can be of any more help! Keep on keepin' on -- it is SO worth it!!!
Kudos to you for getting right back on the horse! There were times I had wished I could have had that one relapse, but I knew that if I allowed that to happen I would probably never get back on the horse. I personally can't take that one puff and I know it. This will be my last quit or I will smoke until I die. So, don't beat yourself up too much... in fact, give yourself a great big pat on the back for getting right back on the wagon!

That takes alot of strength!

Hang in there!

Smoke free for One month, two weeks, one day, 11 hours, 49 minutes and 18 seconds. 743 cigarettes not smoked, saving $143.20. Life saved: 2 days, 13 hours, 55 minutes.