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Share your quitting journey

back on track

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My quit date was Thursday. I'm OK at work because I'm too busy to smoke and I work with the public. Don't want to stink up my office! Well the weekend came and I broke down and had 2 primetime ciggs. Ugh! I had wine and that was a trigger. I felt like crap the next day and was hacking. Something has changed because I didn't spent any time beating myself up. I just picked myself up and started again. Got online and read posts and other material to remind myself of my goal. I also got a APP on my phone to track my progress. I gotta watch out for the weekends and the wine.


Awesome way to not let a slip become an excuse! You can do this!


Wine will get you everytime.  Probally a good idea to avoid for a few weeks.  Good for you getting right back on track.  We can do this.  It is all a matter of how bad you want this.   Don't let your mind trick you into those slips.  Its an evil little game you play with yourself ....that just one won't be all that bad.  Never a never puff!  Here's to a smoke free future to all.  Happy Thanksgiving Day. 


I agree about avoiding the alcohol for a while. (I had to quit drinking many years ago - so it's not an issue for me - but, I know I wouldn't be able to drink early on in this quit smoking thing!) I'm so glad you came back on line and started reading. For me - that is what worked - education and preparation!


Hi Deb. It really is easier to avoid alcohol totally. If you must drink, drink just one so you can stay in control. I still will not let myself have more than 1 beer or 1 glass of wine. Those are my triggers. If I do go to a bar, I drink a water and then one of whatever I am drinking. Stay strong and protect your quit!!!