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I came back after having been AWOL for over 2 years.

I still see some names I remember, but the site has changed a lot.

I dropped a strong quit (well over a year) because of all the weight I gained and could NOT lose.

I hate to bring up weight gain because there are invariable two responses and both unhelpful at best.

  • Dismissive: The dismissive response says things like “better for you to gain a few pounds than have other health issues” or “the average weight gain is only 12 lbs”.   

You know what?  Your priorities are not my priorities. 

  • Lecturing: The lecturing response contains advice on what to eat, or work out, or calorie counts, or what-have-you.  As if there is an adult woman on the planet that doesn’t know the exact calorie count of every food she is ever likely to encounter. 

We know smoking and/or nicotine affects the metabolism.  This is fact.   I hate it, but it is a fact.


@TexasMoxie Welcome back! How much weight did you gain? I'm 40 days into my quit and I am gaining weight as well.


Thanks, @Snowdoggie!

I went up 6 dress sizes.  I expected some weight gain, but not like that.  

It was even worse that I couldn't lose it.  I generally eat pretty healthy and do some form of exercise every day.  I figured that after about 6 months, but body would go back to normal and I would start losing weight again.  NOPE

It's really depressing.  


I am so sorry that happened to you. That would upset and depress anybody, especially when you are eating healthy and exercising! But I'm curious, when you started smoking again, did you lose any weight? Or is it now smoking + weight gain?


@TexasMoxie Welcome back and I agree.  Ditto, ditto, ditto...

Many quitters don't understand the weight gain issue and dismiss some quitters feelings because we're in the minority.  I'm shy of 4 years smoke free and quit discussing it during my first year for that very reason.  There are a few people that understand it  and asked  the Mayo Clinic to address the issue.

I almost hate to bring this up again, but a some quitters here developed hypothyroidism as a result of quitting smoking.  It is actually a risk factor of quitting.  I had a rough time the first year emotionally because of it (stress and depression can be symptoms) and the unexplained weigh gain. Knowing something was wrong after a year, I contacted my doctor and got the diagnosis.  Losing weight hasn't happened 

I've battled my weight since childhood, lost 100 lb. and worked to maintain it for 40 years. I know about eating carrots, etc.    I intentionally lost weight before I quit, so I totally understand how you're feeling.

Not saying that this issue for everyone, but I do empathize.  Metabolism also plays a key role.  These are some articles the Mayo Clinic posted:

Smoking Cessation and Weight Gain in Women - EX Community

The connection between smoking and weight gain - EX Community

Smoking and the Thyroid Gland - EX Community

 I'm glad you're back to give it another go.   We certainly know smoking is bad for our health.  Here to support you.






Thanks for the support.  

I was able to lose weight when I smoked again - but smoking created other issues.

Thanks for the articles, @Barbscloud .  Looks like Mayo Clinic is both dismissive and  lecturing.  How annoying.  And no actual advice.  Hmmmm



@Barbscloud Barb has some good information on the subject. @TexasMoxie   I do think there are a group of people who change one addiction with another…quitting smoking to eating food…and yes it does effect the metabolism… ~ Colleen 1184 DOF 


@TexasMoxie Welcome back! I have struggled with my weight since I was a teenager. I understand it's difficult to gain weight when quitting. I'm craving less sugar than I was in the very beginning of my quit so that is helpful but the weight is there.🤦🏼‍♀️

@Barbscloud Thank you for sharing these articles. This is new information to me. My mother and maternal grandmother both presented with Hashimoto's. I am glad to be aware of this. I want to stay on top of this especially with the feelings of sadness that I am having trouble shaking.