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another casualty

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Well another day of checkups, yesterdays went well I think, still waiting for the blood test results, Doc wanted to do a Low Dose CT scan and EKG but suggested wait till next year for medicare to kick in.  Dentist today and another crown bites the dust soon.  Cannot stress enough to newbi's especially the younger ones, what a toll on your mouth smoking makes.  Numerous ( at least 6, I've lost count, root canals ) 6 crowns that I remember, very close to having periodontal disease several times, ( that helped many a short term quit, till I caved to the craves )  So the Monday after Easter, I lose this fine remains of my roots ??  and in goes a implant for another sort of chewing vessel. If only I had listened, to what I first learned at my very first smoking cessation classes in 1985.  Take note youngins' this is one of the lesser evils of smokin. 


Glad you can afford the dentistry


New non smoker life style and new choppers.  WAY TO GO! Yahoooooo


It is amazing the damage that smoking does...I have partials, upper and lower and I am sure that a good part of the damage was from smoking.  I have also been on steroids for over 27 years and my bones are like uncooked macaroni according to one doc.  Nice, huh.

I think it is great that you can afford the dental work.  Seriously, there are many people who can't.  Sorry that you have to go through this...I wish I had quit in 1985 too.



Yes, smoking has huge detrimental effect our body's.  Someone does not even have to smoke to be affected, and thats not fair at all.  Our fine governments / leaders have allow this to continue to be sold even though they know it addicts, manes and kills, even those that are still in the womb.  ( see articles about 3 hand smoke ) 

 The lure the tobacco company's placed on the early general public, heck even had doctors fooled. Now the newest addiction thats killing was not stopped by another large group of companies in bed with lobbyist's, big Pharma.  Is this the direction that the ecig is going, are they going to "find"  the harmful affects of this product years down the road ?

  •  So so sorry Ellen, its awful of the afflictions of smoking that have taken on your physical being.  At least somehow you're able to enjoy a little longer healthier life, probably not the way many of us expected and not what we deserved.  Lately I've read some of the real old elders blogs, conversations etc, many that are gone and I have to wonder how or why they have permanently left the EX board.
  •  But though this site maybe we can assist, support, or convince those that are still save themselves from this nasty addiction.  
If only I had listened, to what I first learned 

If only we ALL had.  But that's not our way  Most of us have to learn through the hard method of personal experience.  Glad you've learned it.  Sorry you had to learn it the hard way.  And yes, they talk all about COPD and Lung Cancer, etc, but they don't talk much about losing your teeth from smoking.  One of the "lesser evils."  Or macular degeneration caused by smoking.  And I don't think they talk enough about the vascular effects.  Most surgeons these days won't do major surgery on you unless you quit smoking.  Many members have joined this site because they were told that their surgeon wouldn't perform surgery unless they quit smoking for 3 months first.  Kind of tells you how damaging smoking is to our vascular system.   I had dentist tell me point blank he wouldn't put in any implants unless I quit.  He said "There's no point.  The implant will just fall out.  And I won't be responsible for that."  And why should he be.  And I've had periodontal disease.  Cost a LOT of money to have those roots scraped out.  Lesson learned.  Every since then I floss EVERY NIGHT.  Bought an electric toothbrush that cost a lot of money.  Not NEARLY as much as a periodontal session.  Lessons learned.  The HARD way.  Unfortunately the best, long lasting lessons are learned the hard way.  Sure wish it weren't so.

"Take note youngins"

Great blog.  Helpful in so may ways.  Here's to the the best possible outcome!  For all of us.


At age 15 I came home and told my parents I had been smoking marijuana.  They immediately called the police, who wanted to know everything about where I got marijuana, and then grounded me for two weeks. Two weeks after that I came home and told my Mom I was smoking Marlboros , No Reaction!  I think we just grew up that way. Now I also can model a full upper and a partial lower. Between them and the smokes I could be driving a new truck!

       Thanks for your insight!


Great post and replies...I have had many root canals and crowns.  I am so anal at taking care of my teeth ... Dentist says it is hereditary, but often I wonder how much was caused from smoking ... I developed asthma at 38 years of age...yup smoking causes so many health issues ... hope the bloodwork and scan turn out good lqsi12  ~ Happy Thursday-~ Colleen 122 DOF 


I have 2 implants and am in the process of 2 more. I've always had icky dental health, but I now know that at least part of it is due to smoking. Dental health is expensive!

About the Author
Hello, I'm Geo an on again off again smoker of cigarillos for the last 38 years. Happy to made it 100 days now chugging forward on this forever quit.