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Share your quitting journey

afraid to tell

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This is the 4th time I've quit smoking in my life... Once in my 20's, 2x with my pregnancies, now 5 days ago.  I'm so afraid to share the news b/c I'm afraid I'll fail 😞  I did tell hubby who is really proud of me (it'll be his turn to quit chewing soon), but haven't told the kids yet!


Its also my 4th time quitting I am 22 days clean and very proud of myself. Pat yourself on the back for your 5 days in fact for everyday that you don't smoke.

My motto: will be and always be "One Day at a Time".

Best of luck to you and for your hubby when he decides its time.

Peace and Love


Haha, its my 4th time quitting to and I am seventy something days free!! YaY for You!!!! The Forth Time Can Also be The Charm......

Hey Ang,   I don't know how many times I quit, but I can tell you this.  I'm with you on the afraid to tell thing.  I've been through that so many times, that I too am reluctant to say anything. The truth is, No one will be as disappointed as you if you relapse, and I'm sure that you know that, as we all do.  You have told the one that matters the most, so lets do this,  I had my last one on Aug 27th. I turned 57 on the 28th.  My wife knows and not to many others.  I really have a good feeling about this quit, and will probably continue to hang around this site for a while. Think how great it will feel if someone says " Hey did you quit smoking?"  To me that would be almost as good as someone saying, " Have you been losing weight?   HA HA!! I would only tell others that may ask or quickly speak up if offered a smoke.  I think the more people you tell just puts more pressure on you,  heck,  enjoy your quit!  I don't know about you , but my sinuses are clearing, it took about 3 and a half days for the taste to leave my mouth, and not sleeping so good, but  am already breathing better.  Hang in there,  I'm pulling for you!!  🙂


Tell them or not - it's up to you but stop being afraid! Fear wastes a lot of energy and right now you need all of your energy to keep your quit. 5 days is great work!!! The worst of it is behind you and it gets easier day by day.  😃

You will not fail. Tell yourself that. You are in CHARGE of your quit, not a victim of it. The only way you will fail is if you CHOOSE to pick up a cig and stick it in your face and set fire to it, but you WILL NOT do that because you don't smoke anymore. Let us know about your continued success!!!!!


You are in the club of members who have "tried" to quit so many times before. COngratulations for making the decions to quit for the rest of your life! Also - good for your 5 days. You are well on your way now and you can do this - heck - you are doing this! As for telling your children; I'm on day 33 and decided not to tell my son so as to surprise him when he comes to visit me in October. That has only served to push me along. I wish you alkl the best.
