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You Are A Lovely Soul

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~~You are not made up of those words that hurt you...or the numbers on that scale...or those expectations you feel you'll never meet.  You are made up of nothing more than you.  Simply, beautifully, wonderfully, uniquely you.  You are a lovely and complex soul.  An individually fascinating combination of thoughts, ideas, feelings, emotions.  Look past the mirror.  Look at your soul.  Only then will you see yourself as you truly are.  Beautiful.~~  Unknown

Smoking doesn't make anything better.  We all know that.  But sometimes we use our hurt or our anger or our loneliness as an excuse to 'slip'.  And then we come back and say all the right things again.  "Sorry".  "I know I shouldn't have".  "I know better now".  But sometimes we say those things because our brains are again happy with that shot of nicotine.  We mean them only as long as our brains don't hit that need again.

The agony of addiction.  It's almost cruel, don't you think?  It takes control of every aspect of our lives.  But just as you aren't made up of those words that hurt you, you also aren't made up of the addiction that controls you.  It's an illusion.  You won't die if you don't have a cigarette.  You won't go crazy.  You won't kill someone.  I promise.  Those thoughts are simply your addiction talking....desperately.  When you quit, your own mind will fight you temporarily.

Look past the smoke.  Look past the cravings.  You are a beautiful and complex soul!!  You are brave.  You are intelligent.  You are perfect.  Acknowledge that perfection within you and know...truly know...that you can live without smoking.  There will be cravings.  There will be tenseness.  But there will also be those delightful glimpses of "I can do this!".  Those moments filled with joy and wonder when you KNOW that you really can quit.  Focus on those times because they will come more and more and faster and faster as the warrior in you emerges.  It's lovely!!

So look in the mirror and see that quitter waiting for you!  You are unique.  You are perfect.  You are a quitter. 

Peace to all this Sunday evening, Sheri