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Share your quitting journey


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Yesterday, Thomas paid tribute to "Collateral Kindness"! Thank you my Friend! This is a phrase that I coined back in April. It is a phenomenom that occurs at this site that spreads help to all who seek it! I thought it would be good to post the original blog so that all could see where it came from! I hope this is useful to someone today!






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Pardon me

April 22, 2010 by pir8fan   Comments (17)


I hate blowing my own horn (but not bad enough to stop myself) So here goes!!! In a comment on someone blog the other day, I coined a new phrase. After giving it considerable thought, I realized that it defines what happens at this site. We all know that in war you drop a bomb that blows up its intendes target. That is good! Anything else it blows up is called " Collateral Damage ". It is an unintended consequence.


The phrase I coined the other day was " Collaterial Kindness ". You see it here everyday!! People come to this site everyday under the guise of learning how to quit smoking. I say "HORSEFEATHERS". There are a lot of folks here that will tell you how to quit! Don't put one in your mouth, and don't light it!! We all already know how to quit.


What we come here looking for is self esteem, confidence, reassurances, friends and confidants that understand us and what we are going through. We are looking for someone to beleive in us and help us beleive in ourselves. Some come not really caring about themselves, because they are not sure anyone else cares about them. People come here looking for pride, because somewhere along the way they have lost it. People come here looking for their identity, because they have lost it. I am sure you can add to this list, and I could go on for quite a while.


All of the things people come here looking for are here. Whatever you need, just ask, someone is willing to give it to you. It may be a kick in the seat of your pants or a pat on your back, two things very close together, yet a long ways apart. Some of the kindest people on earth call this site home! People come here and find what they need! Then a strange phenomenon occurs. People suddenly start passing that help on to others! Collatreial Kindness!!


People came here looking for help. When they found it, they started giving it away! Unintended consequences!! And one day these poor broken people, who came here looking for help realize, they brought their own help with them. They had the power to do it all along. They just needed someone to tell them to click their heels together three times and repeat "There is no place like home"     And they all lived happily ever after!!!!     The End