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Share your quitting journey

Yesterday was my quit day....kinda?

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I told myself that I would qut smoking October 1st, yesterday.  I didn't have a pack of smokes but I managed to smoke a few butts from the ashtrays (pretty gross) around my house and them make it thorough the rest of the day without smoking.  When I came home last night I started to look around for websites to help me really kick the habit and I found this one. I registered and here we are.

So i guess my question is- do I reset my clock, as they say?  Push my quit date another week and do the suggested activites on this site or just stay quit as I am now.  I have not had a smoke since 2pm yesterday. 

I just want it to stick this time!  I want ot give myself all the tools to kick this nasty habit once and for all.  Your suggestions and comment would be much appreciated!!!