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Share your quitting journey

Worth the wait

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When things get hard go to your support . It can change your perspective instantly .It doesn’t have to be quit support but maybe supportive people in your life you can and do have fun with , that you can share with or you have common interests with . It’s so helpful to space yourself from your quit because you can become overwhelmed with it , with helping others , etc .

I was just over eight years quit when I came here . Sometimes  I think when my previous site closed that maybe I should have closed my final chapter then but it didn’t happen for a reason . All things happen for a reason . For me there was more learning to be done and altho it wasn't quite what I expected  I learned a lot here that would help me to keep that quit forever moving forward . 

This is a great place for those of you beginning your quit and with every passing day you will learn much about yourself and how to keep your quit or why you are not keeping it . That learning however comes from inside you and no one can really teach you what you need to learn for yourself because you know you best . 

I am trying to do more of the things that bring me joy these days because much of my focus in life was taking care of others and bringing them joy . Taking time for me is doing things I love or being an adventurist and trying new things  . So if you are not doing that , I highly recommend finding your joy , try new things , spend time with you and be kind to you . 

 I never would have dreamed a few years ago to ever come out of my shell enough to start a walking group , or sing , or be confident enough to do much of anything . Yes, I did my job and was good at it but it was all about taking care of others .

You may feel a void . Quitting smoking is like empty nest syndrome but for any of us who’ve had kids leave the home and spread their wings we know it was a learning curve for us to adjust to , but we did it . 

Quitting smoking added a quality of life I didn’t expect and the learning only took place because I took the plunge and dived into a something I thought I could not do , changed my attitude and did .

Quitting was really was hard , don’t get me wrong , it wasn’t easy , but yet looking back  it was simple , really simple . Use simple thoughts like “nope “ , like “ not today “ ,  like “I don’t do that anymore “ like “not an option “ . Find one simple simple definitive word that works for you today and follow through . 

You may be elated today that your quit is going well or sad because it seems forever is too long , or  angry or happy , but if you find yourself wanting to give up find your simple ,  please don’t smoke , it’s worth putting off, it’s worth the wait and the work . 


Excellent post and absolutely so true. To any and all, there is no perfect solution to quitting, every journey is personal.  Smoking doesn't care about background, race, creed, color. In some ways how we should all be, but not just to enslave people for life.  At least it has no prejudice.  Some people here recommend a book, I read it, it helps but take what helps and leave the rest. All knowledge is good knowledge.   Not an expert by any stretch but at at 67 days after 40+ years and 2 1/2 packs a day.  It can be done, you got this! 



Thankyou @Anonymous, I am waiting! I put on the patch this morning and so far so good. Almost 24 hours, one hour at a time.  The goal is for another 24 hours because I don’t do that anymore!


Not applicable

@Erlanderai , exactly all info given here is generally from the heart by each person wanting nothing more than for others to succeed . You are doing the right thing by taking what will help you at this point in your quit to keep it running smoothly and leave the rest .  However  I will say that there may be a time when what you left behind will be helpful ,  it’s just not now .  So yes I agree all knowledge is good knowledge . Thanks for sharing this , it’s appreciated and will help others . 

@phulen , look at you . So proud of you on so many levels .. posting , getting a patch on , getting through the first 24 hours . I really hope you know you just did some hard work you never thought possible and those little successes every hour , they arn’t  so little @phulen  they are huge !  

I always thought to myself ok , let’s expect the worst and get through those . Id tell myself do not give up on those roughest days and the others days will be a piece of cake . For me that kinda worked . 

You are doing great , hope you can turn in early , you will have another day in . 

Frozen grapes or blueberries are great to have and cinnamon busts craves , some say lemon , maybe let us know what you take that helps you it may help others .