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Worse than before

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I thought things would get easier, not harder. I was prepared for last week and I knew it would be rough after 40 yrs. of doing the same thing. I am so tired, exhausted actually, last week was a 54 1/2 hr work week not including an hours commute one way. This week looks like the regular work week and I am even off Friday. I am going completely nuts and having horrible temper tantrums. Nothing seems to help and I would just rather slap someone as to look at them or speak to them.
stay strong and hang tight. this is kinda like a roller coaster ride seems sometimes the addiction waits till you least expect it to strike. let it pass as best you can. evrytime you get past a hard one, makes you know how strong you really are. you are doing this. don't give up
Hey Angie, hang in there. It's interesting the things that bubble up to the surface when we leave an addiction behind. Looks like a bit of anger (LOL) is coming up for you...Don't run away from it...look at it...someone once told me to look at anger from 2 sides. One>>>justifiable and Two>>>Agenda Violation. Agenda violation is basically not getting my way! I had a lot of that kind of anger when I quite smoking the first time 8 years ago. I felt like slapping people too, and worse. I had to look at my anger, and at the end of the day it was an interesting exploration. Sure made me forget about smoking!
Let me just say this, I know EXACTLY how you feel right now and EXACLTY what you are going through, and if you stay strong and work through, breath through it, WALK through it, exercise through it, laugh through it, cry through it...what ever it takes, just do not take a smoke. You will pass through this.
Drink tons of water, and if you can just get some sleep 🙂 You can do this, if I could... you can. Honestly!
Hi ANgie, I understand... I had some tough days around the 10-14 day range, and it was hard to control my emotions. All of them! Anger is such an easy one to let get out of control. Hang in there and slap some pillows if you have to, this does get better!!!
this may sound funny cause it is for me when i start to feel like temper temper i say to myself oh poor baby. I try to humor myself everday through this no smoking stuff because my health and yours is on the line here. Smoking is bad for us and the good side effects will pull us through. The first month will lead us to a second and make us tough. Its ok cause your tired and you get some rest this weekend and things will get better. YOU are doing great and you can do this!
Keep your head up and breathe deep breaths. It helps. You can get through this.
Hi Angie, At the stage you are I walked alot of blocks with our dog! Kept adding another block every couple days - it helped. Keeping my hands busy helped - I knit, painted - even rolled all the coins in the house!! Cinammon gum helped and for some unknown reason cranberry juice and soda tastes really good. Hang in there - I also chewed half pieces of the lowest doseage Nicorettes - it helped alot with the crazy feelings at the beginning.
Thanks everyone for your support, you all help make it possible to endure.