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With Much Regret.....I Failed before Day 3

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I am so sorry to all my friends for giving me such incredible support. I must reexamine what the hell was going thru my mind that made me think smoking was a good idea. YES I was hurting and wanted to escape, but it only brought upon more pain and guilt. I am so ashamed as always and feel like I need to hide. I apologize. I am sucha  let down. I have already been called every name there is by my no need to beat me up.  I feel so badly and like such a friggen loser all over again. I have to look into this and see my reasons of WHY I am still choosing to smoke. This has been a disappointing and sad day all around for many reasons, and this tops it all off. I love you all and thnak you for being there for me.


With much regret,


Ali    😞


Ali  Please don't let all of these people put you down and make you feel like a loser.  You sound like a very caring individual that puts too much importance of the opinion of other people.  If they make you feel that way they aren't your friend.  Do they do this on other subjects also.  I would suggest telling them that if they can't support you then you don't need to be around them until you have this challenge mastered.

The MOST important thing in life is to be able to get up in the morning, look in the mirror and love yourself.  The other people that have never smoked or are jealous because you are trying 'aren't worth your time."

I hope you get back on the horse and try again.

May the Lord, Bless and Keep you.  May he be your guide through this challenge.


Honey, not that I would beat you up over stumbling, but I  think you have beat yourself up worse than anyone could or would.  You stumbled!!  You realize that you need to reevaluate.  Maybe 3 days ago wasnt the time, but NOW is.  Only you can decide that.

Chin up





We love you and care but I think you need to realize that you are the only one who can keep them away from your face.


At this point in time, my dear friend, keep this in mind -  there are a bunch of people who still love you and are still on your side - no matter what.  We all know the power of this addiction, and with all the "life" things going on around you it must be harder than any of us can imagine.  But we will persevere and keep moving forward with you.  The worst thing I think you can do is be hard on yourself - that only makes it worse. 

I know you are deeply disappointed, but keep your chin up.  And also keep in mind that someday a Higher Power will release you from this merciless and powerful addiction.  I, like many others, will continue to pray and continue to love you (unconditionally)!!! 

Now, my friend, chin up and SMILE!!!



Get up, brush yourself off and try again tomorrow! You will do it!!


For so many of us quitting is like running up a steep ramp and not getting all the way there the first times. The fact is you have success too. You did succeed for the minutes that you did , the hours that you did , the days that you did.'

Build on that.

I also went from the quit enthusiastic and confident to just unable to put myself through any more misery and I made it eventually to this point where I do not have any lapses for months in a row. I used the nicotene replacements and I had the plans made out. I count my quit from the first cold turkey clean day, not the days of patches and losenges. But I also feel that the most important part is not to smoke, so using a replacement to me is the sure sign of succeeding not to smoke and I hope IF, god forbid, IF I were to slip I would want to use a losenge or the gum or such over a smoldering cigerette.There is no shame in using these products. It lets the air in. I need air.

Take time to learn as much as you can. Do nto give up on the project. The delema of being addicted to tobacco is part lack of knowledge which you can aquire on line now here and on whyquitnow and other sites the library for free, and so forth...and planning and preparations.

Stay with it. This is a way toward the quit and ex status that you deserve and can do . You are able to do that for yourself and we here know that. You need to accept the fact, and just keep your nose pointed in that direction and pay attention so that you keep heading this way. The otherside of tobacco addiction is the this quitters and EX paradice and we want you here for sure. So keep coming . You ARE on your way here. Keep coming .Stay with us.


Don't be too hard on yourself. It is a very powerful addiction, as we all know. Relax. Pick a new date and try again. You will be successful because you want to be successful. Persistance is everything!


Such honesty on this site. Thank you. This is not easy and quitting is not a destination it is for sure a journey. You are on the path you are choosing. Life is just an experience. I/we support you no matter what. I quit quite a few times before this, but this time I made a committment and that was the difference for me, do what works for you and let us know how you are.



ali, u stumbled. so what. ur human, we all stumble. life is not about the fall, but what u learn from it so u wont fall again. dust urself off and keep on going. as far as what other people think, my saying to that is, 'they dont determine whether i live or die, i do that. so those opinions are worthless to me."  so u do what u have to do to conquere this and keep moving. u gave me hope earlier and i want you to hold on to that. GOD LOVES U AND SO DO I. PEACE AND BEST WISHES.


Ali, I've quit so many times and failed it's ridiculous! Don't get down on yourself, just try again. You'll do it when you're good and ready. One important thing is that you are trying. That's a start. Take it from there and kick Nic booty to the curb. 


Ali  get back up and try again, you are  a good person and will do this the next or the next or the next, i will be there for you no matter what  keep going      jackie


When you fall off the horse, you brush yourself off and hop back on! No blame, no shame, no guilt.

Do it in your time, when you are truly ready.

You have more "things" going on than anyone I know.  Be kind to yourself dear.

Lots of hugs and love to you, Goddess Ali ( ARE a goddess!)


Ali, you are loved by so many, right here on this site,.  We are going to see you through this.  You have to start  believing in yourself.


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Ali Just look at all the people who are with you right now!  I just want to thank you for your honesty and give you this to think about - If everyone who comes here had to leave if they had not been perfect the very first quit there wouldn't be hardly anyone at all! If at all! This isn't about perfection - it's about TENACITY!  You'll be OK just KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE!!!!!


We're all here for you Ali. 


Accept the worse that can happen (relapse) and then move on (new quit date). No good comes from a ruminating in negativity. Forgive yourself and try, try again. You can do it, we believe in you!


You are in my thoughts as well.  You are not alone in your ups and downs with quitting-  one day is better and the next day is ok - I  really stopped beating myself up and just continue to stay on here and  read and get support and give support.  You will get this and so will I .  I will keep you in my prayers as well .  Enough people in this world beat up our spirits - you need not do it yourself- take the love and support where ever you can get it and give it back - great blessings come from that.




just breathe, sweetie. i too have taken a fall after 37 days. no one is here to judge us, at least they aren't supposed to. and if they do, screw em. we all know what it's like to make a mistake and everyone is right, this is a hard addiction to break. they're also right when they say you're the only one who can stop. i smoked 7 cigarettes on saturday after being quit for over a month and spent half the night with my head in the toilet at my boyfriend's house. lesson learned!! life is about falling, but living is about getting back up. don't just be alive... LIVE.brush off and get back up. we're all here for you and we love you. you can do this (:  (((((hugs)))))


Its ok.  I took a fall too this past Saturday with almost 36 days smoke free.  I got sick to my stomach after smoking a half a pack.   But I said to myself Kathy tomorrow you are smoke free again.  So far so good!!  I bought a whole bunch of gum to chew on.  Its a daily battle with your mind but don't beat yourself up.  Nicotene is incredibly strong.  But dust yourself off and keep on goin  -- We are all in the same boat together.  Stay strong -- you can do it. We can all do it.  One day at a time.    Peace.    :=)