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Wishing you a Blessed day ●

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It was 66 outside at a little after six this morning and 73 in the house and I am making bread, ugh on heat but I love to make my husband Mark happy and the grandkids, with Mason being here four days a week we're going through at least a loaf and a half a day but Mark won't eat store bought bread but thankfully I make 13 loaves and usually 10 rolls every wk or so . The temps are supposed to reach 87 degrees again today and the house will probably reach the low 90's and we don't have air conditioning because hubby don't like it but we do here fans in every room which helps but I shouldn't complain because winter will be here soon enough, so let's have another smoke free day and be positive even if we'd rather be negative because we are all blessed with so much so let's enjoy the freedom of living without the crutch and if you are still struggling with your quit hang on tight because it's definitely going to take some time but life is going to get easier and easier, remain willing, determined and totally committed and you can and will be successful. I need to go turn the oven on so chin up and hang tough because there's definitely life after cigarettes and it's super fantastic,rremember N.O.P.E- Not One Puff Ever which will give you a beautiful life of freedom 

Marilyn 740 DOF 

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....