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Why Stay Quit?

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I have had a lot of time to let my mind ponder things lately.

As I approach 6 1/2 years smoke-free, I reflect back on some of the things I have been told.

One of the most frequent is "Why stay quit?"

Your lungs are damaged and you sound like a blacksmith's bellows sometimes. Why stay quit?

You are "short of breath" all the time. Why stay quit?

Your legs give out when you try walking too far. Why stay quit?

Your heart will never recover from the damage. Why stay quit?

That murmur gets worse each year. Why stay quit?

The Barrett's isn't going away. Why stay quit?

That Aneurysm keeps growing. Why stay quit?

These are just a few that I have heard since I quit smoking.

The short answer could be I have extended my life expectancy 327 Days and 10 Hours by not smoking.

Maybe it's the thousands of dollars I have deprived Big Tobacco of over the years.

I guess the main reason is this ....

Creator made this body perfect.

I abused and damaged it very badly.

I can't repair it, but, I can do my best to care for it.

I might not wake up tomorrow, but I will know that I was not destroying my body anymore.

And that, my friends, is why I STAY quit!!!!!!

Be well and travel safely out there on your quit journey.

One step, and then another, will get you to where you want to be.


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OldBones-Larry Hi Larry and Happy Palm Sunday ... I did online church and prayed hard for our country, family, friends and of course you and all at Ex’ is a time to stop the addictions and not go back why ? Maybe now we will realize how short time is on earth and we should enjoy our life “one step at a time”... and cherish the little things.  I have had so many health issues through my life and I think I had pondered the same...but I know when I die and go back to my creator I hope I can say I am not coming back the same way you put me...but I learned many important lessons along the way of carrying my crosses.  I am grateful to you and all here at Ex’s...because you make me a little better everyday...xoxoxoxo Colleen 489 DOF 


Thank you Larry for posting this very thought provoking blog post that I wish had a helpful button because I'd be tapping on it right now but I'll have to settle for the like button instead they are all the very best of reasons for staying quit it's  my health along with wanting to be around for my family especially the grandchildren BUT I want to be around with the best quality of LIFE possible I don't want to be oxygen 7/24 and having my family especially the grandchildren seeing me fighting to breathe, staying quit is the best gift that any of us will ever give ourselves which is the gift of LIFE.....


WOW!!!! YOU Larry - MY brother are a very good teacher - on doing the best NON SMOKER living NOW - this moment - NO matter what life on life's terms FACTS -  is OUR REALITY - WE - will choose of - OUR OWN FREE will - to NOW - take healthier ways and ideas - from other's experience - to take care of OUR bodies that-  OUR God CREATED - and YOUR WISDOM -  Larry humbled ME - into more gratefulness to MY God and YOUR experience teaches ME the TRUTH - to be alert and aware of -  MY current thinking and MY behaviors - to pay attention to -  MY OLD ADDICT FEELING THINKING  - which will take WORK on MY part -  to be vigilant and to renew MY MINDSET NEW NOW - TODAY - by taking SUGGESTIONS that - YOUR NEW HEART MINDSET Larry has taught ME -  TODAY - to live in - GRATITUDE - to MY God who created ME in HIS image and I am honored by YOUR GRATEFUL HEART and humbled by God's grace and tender mercies to let - US - live this extra TIME - fully knowing -  if I die TODAY - I have done MY best at living as a NON SMOKER - full of MY God's - PEACE and LOVE and JOY - as YOU have done - TODAY -  with YOUR best at living with ALL YOUR consequences of yesterday's PERSONAL CHOICES at that time and - TOGETHER  - NOW -  WE HELP other's - by OUR actions - thank YOU so much for - YOUR encouraging words - live TODAY to the fullest for this DAY may be MY last -  in HIS love -  I love YOU -  in MY Lord Jesus name amen and AMEN 




SO wise.  As much damage as some folks have already done, I don't think they realize how much MORE damage they could still do if they continued to smoke.  I hope I never have to  lug around an O2 tank everywhere I go...quitting when I did lessened, but didn't eliminate,  that possibility.

I am glad you are staying in and staying safe.  Have you counted the number of white things in your room yet?  If not, you aren't TOTALLY bored!


I haven't counted white things yet.

I did however count the cycles of my concentrator last night.

You really don't want to know how many before I finally went to sleep though.





To help one fall asleep. Buzzfeed suggests:

* "Imagine yourself taking the route to a place you love

* Go through all the things you're thankful for

* "Replay" a favorite day of your life

If all else fails, imagine yourself surrounded by a lot of puppies" 

puppies.jpgSending you peaceful thoughts and wishes for a good night's sleep, Larry

About the Author
I am a male that underwent coronary artery bypass X3 (triple) on 10/22/13 at the age of 55. I was living on about 20-30% of one coronary artery and my left heart output was only 20% to 25%. I spent a week in the hospital after surgery and went home. Then had to go back a day later for another week because I had pneumonia. Finally a few days because of a slight arythmia. All told it has been about 2 1/2 weeks. I am past the cravings by now and only have the urges to contend with. I really don't suggest that anyone quits smoking using this technique though. I'll have to carry the scars from that day for the rest of my life. The large one down the center of my chest, and the ones from several "silent" infarctions. I came that close to the next world. Never again will I subject my body to that (at one point in my life I was smoking 5 packs of cigarillos a day). I now have to say N.O.P.E. (Not One Puff Ever) every day of my life. TheOldGoat-Joan, I miss you terribly my friend. Elder Lists Guilia's: (/blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016 ) or Smorgy's (Chronological Elder List)