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When will I be back to myself?

1 7 277

Hello 👋 

Today marks day 28 of not smoking. Started with the patch on step 2 (14mg) cause 1 (28mg) was just too nauseating. I got to the last step (7mg) for a couple days and just stopped since it felt like nothing anyways. This is my first attempt to quit smoking so all of this is very new to me. I’ve been a cigarette smoker (vaped on and off towards the end) for 13 years. I am so happy to make it this far and honesty can’t believe Ive done it this long. I feel so much better and breathe so much easier, but… ive been off of the patches completely for 5 days now and I find myself losing my temper a lot lately. I’m a very calm person usually but lately, the littlest things set me off. It’s starting to happen at work and I’m worried what will happen if I can’t get a handle on it. I’m not physically harming anyone or yelling or anything crazy lol Just very short and negative with people lately and that’s not me at all. 

How long does this last? I know there’s  no set timeframe but I’m just curious how normal this is and how long it took some of you with more quit time under your belt?

Any advice is greatly appreciated 🤗 
