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What another wonderful day!!!

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What a wonderful day, there was a few tense moments in the day, they didn't last.  I'm starting to be able to ignore the monster lurking in my mind.   The sun was shining and I went out and just felt the beauty of it without stinking the whole thing up with a smoke!  I am feeling stronger, the first week is just about done.  I know that is the toughest, I've tried this before.  I feel this time as though I have a stronger resolve to accomplish what I have set out to do, and no matter what, I will see this through.   The reality that I will be 50 in 3 months in another motivater!  I can feel the need physically to quit and stay there, almost like the game is over, it's now or never, and, last, but not least, when it gets to be tough, the tough is going to keep on going!

I feel like I am regaining my freedom one clean fresh breath at a time.

Good night everyone, tomorrow is going to be a great day!!!!

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