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Share your quitting journey

Well, its been 3 FULL days

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I feel like getting in my car, getting smokes and lighting up. Its Friday of course.... no weekend plans.... I'm eating EVERYTHING IN SIGHT and the nasty receptors in my brain that I basically created are needing that pleasurable feeling to take this edge off - I can honestly say I just want to enjoy my 1 cup of coffee and  smoke , I keep trying to push past it but this one, on day 3 is kicking my ass. Send me some pointers, some positive vibes, heading into the weekend with what feels like a devil on my shoulder.


Deep breath AHG12911 and know that you can and will be successful in this quit, keep your mind as well as your hands occupied and by the end of the day the nicotine will be completely out of your system and then you can start relearning different ways of dealing with life's issues without the crutch of smoking, you can be Free by continuing to move forward and stacking up your precious smoke free days one day at a time or if need be one hr, one minute or even one second at a time but you can have a beautiful smoke free life but unfortunately you must go through the ups and downs of withdrawals and mood swings first but it's so worth it to get your life back from the clutches of the cancer sticks....


Hang in there!!  Is there anything that you can give yourself this morning to look forward to?  Are you using any NRT or just going it cold turkey?  You can do it...keep remembering what these last three days have been like and that you don't ever want to have to go through that again!!  If you have to have the coffee can you go drink it in a non smoking place like Starbucks?  Just don't smoke!!  You really CAN do it!!  I'm not sure how to link to things on this site, so let me know if this doesn't work but this helped me:

Stay close to the site today...people here will help!!




just painted my nails Hot Pink, this craving seems to be lasting all morning.

I think I know what the trigger is... Friday, is Floor washing Day, enjoy a few glasses of wine after 5 of course and my smokes.

I cant do that today.


just painted my nails Hot Pink, this craving seems to be lasting all morning.

I think I know what the trigger is... Friday, is Floor washing Day, enjoy a few glasses of wine after 5 of course and my smokes.

I cant do that today.

I'm a Stay at Home Mom- so all of my triggers are here. I rarely leave the house.


I work from home. etc.


Good job on making it 3 full days. The mornings seem tough now, but one day you'll wake up and not think about it at all and you'll have your coffee and it will occur to you that "I'm glad I don't need a nicotine fix"


AHG, they don't call it Hell Week for whatever you have to do to make it through this hour, this day and then the weekend. You will be so glad you did!

You should be so proud for getting to day 3. If you quit cold turkey, then the nicotine is probably mostly out of your system. This will get easier - and when I went thru the first week, I had to ask myself 'Do I really want to go thru that week again?' The answer was a resounding 'Hell no!'. Don't put yourself thru it again - change up your routine if you can, take deep breaths, go for a walk, do whatever it takes, but please don't smoke. You are worth more than that! You deserve better!


Try drinking your coffee with your OTHER hand, in a place different from where you used to smoke.  I brought mine to the computer and read on Ex while I drank it.  Then DO something - clean out a drawer, a closet, vacuum, go for a walk, march in place, sing out loud to your favorite music.  This takes some effort in the early days, but I promise you it's worth it. 

Whatever you do, don't just sit and think about that crave.  Don't give it power over you!



Any possibility you can do some sort of exercise?  I had a stationary bike and I remember what an amazing feeling it gave me after I used it...of course I had the world's most sore butt afterwards but I DID feel empowered.  Bite into a lemon, rind and all, sing and dance to loud music.  You might try drinking some tea...I HATE tea but for the first few weeks, I drank green tea because everyone said it was really good for you.  It DOES take effort but getting through the craves will not kill you, never killed anyone, no one can say that about smoking. DON'T go get cigarettes.  Don't give in to the addiction, you can do this.


I always smoked and had coffee too and coffee tasted like my cigarette. I made my coffee 2x as strong to compensate and with the other hand, i had a lollipop or a pen, toothpick,your comp. mouse, something to put in my hand. During those mornings, i spent time on Ex too reading blogs and commenting. You want to be on site daily. It really does help.


How about some deep breathing and something to distract yourself with.  Or go for a short walk around the block just to get some fresh air.  Keep reminding yourself of why you don't want to go back to smoking.  The only way out is thru.