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Share your quitting journey

Weak Three

3 11 147

Ya'll...something has been bothering me so badly and I haven't got the communication skills right now to fix it or at least get it off my chest.

Both my parents were smokers and my mom still smokes. I live with them currently (27 yr old female, so its not ideal to begin with). It truly does not bother me when my mom smokes because even as a vaper the smell of smoke became off-putting. I vaped for a little over ten years, and hadn't touched a cigarette since. 

The meat of this story is that my mom has smoked my whole life, and such has tried to quit while I was a child two or three times that I can remember. I didn't understand it then, and though I usually hold myself to impossible standards I wrote the misunderstanding off as "I was an actual child", so I forgave myself. 

Week two of me quitting my mom looked me in the eyes and said "really? still? I didn't think you really vaped that much..." 😐.

YALL - she knows what it was like to quit and she couldn't do it (I couldn't if I had kids either to be honest). But really? And truly I think it wouldn't bother me if I didn't live with her and I could go through this on my own. Not that I don't want her support, but I would just move onto my next support system. Which I did. But it's still bothering me because she's getting annoyed that I don't want to talk (I can't yet - its still a trigger for me to think about that statement) and I can see her get visibly annoyed when I show irritation...GO SMOKE A CIGARETTE THEN WOMAN. 😩 I know its unfair to decide someone's reaction but can still smoke so go ahead and do that instead of sit there and give me faces.

I almost feel like I don't want advice on how to handle it LOL I'm just so annoyed!!

I can't move out right now. I've considered giving up and filing bankruptcy, but that's not going to help me get out of the house at all either. I know you guys don't know me but I at least feel like I work very hard, and I haven't stopped working since my first job at 16 years old. I ended an engagement about a year and a half ago (he stole minor amounts of money from me to gamble, didn't pay his car note that I signed with him - I know🙄, and my grand plan to make him stop asking me for money was to spend all of mine...) and I ended up in my parents basement. I only recently forgave myself for being here so long, then decided to quit nicotine while I had this time and this free rent. Its been 19 days. It's not worth it to give up now but this living situation is causing so much more stress, and so I turn to my financials to find out when I can move out. After working part time for three months I'm realizing the debt I accrued while I had a salary is much harder to keep up with and moving out is not something rational to do in the near future. I took the part time position to get myself in with this particular city because they have great internal opportunities and great benefits if you're fulltime. I used my off hours to finish the five classes I needed to graduate my bachelors program. I did that earlier than I planned too which is pretty cool but I'm trying to be patient and wait for the city to find a fulltime position for me but it's starting to become impossible to afford existence.

Last time my mom asked me to talk we didn't get anywhere because she was afraid to hurt me and it was just me opening up which felt like poop because she wouldn't say anything. I just told her I needed to leave and go for a walk. I know she's trying to help, but it still sucks to have to deal with that right now. Between the financial situation, my current health (also tied to financials - even Obama care won't help me because I need mostly specialists), my 12 yr old niece staying with us for the summer (cue exhausted cranky nicotine addicted auntie guilt), living with my parents (my dad and I have the same coping mechanism so he's giving me space but I'm also a people pleaser like my mom, so we both want me to be happy and over this), and working what feels like 24/7 to make ends meet - I just don't know where to start 😣

I think it's obvious by now that I need a therapist, but I can't afford one at the moment. My current budget is already ($17.00) over just from paying bills. That's with-out filling my gas tank!! I have a t-shirt business and an online yard-sale that I'm hoping will fill that gap this pay period. 

Bonus point - I'm so glad I'm single and childless while I'm going through this. If you did this with a significant other or with even one child I commend you. My dog whines and I want to bite his head off - luckily he doesn't know that I'm telling him to go eff himself 😬.

The more I typed, the more I thought this seems like a totally normal growth spurt for every human - but its so hard to work through with out nicotine. I considered NRT because of the likely-hood of me going absolutely insane these next ten or so weeks but I've been getting the chills and sweats at night for a week now, which makes me think I'm so close to getting rid of the nicotine anyway. Does anyone have opinions on where I'm at and whether or not this would help or hurt?

If your read this far, thank you. This community has been a life saver for sure.


Your body (and mind) are adjusting to life without the drug, and probably a good bit of your angst can be attributed to that.  Quitting nicotine is HARD - but you are right not to start putting it back in your body.  Everybody is different, but the nicotine should be out of your body soon.  It takes a bit for your body to adjust, but I think it would be a bad idea right now to start over with the drug.

I might not want to talk to my Mom about your quit until you are feeling less uncomfortable.  Your nerve endings are kinda' raw right now, and that just adds to the difficulty of the conversation.  Keep in mind that she might not, DEEP down inside, want you to be successful - because, well, what does that say about her inability to quit?  Just a thought!

You have a lot going on, but life is always going to happen, and learning to deal with it without nicotine is an important part of the quit process.  You will have a leg up on a forever quit if you succeed in your current situation.  And, speaking of which, you really can't AFFPORD the nicotine products with your budget right now, either, can you?

Congratulations on Week THREE!  It is going to get easier.  Hang in there until it does.



Hi Aubrey,

Week three is an amazing milestone! Also, please remember that 27 is still very young - you have a WHOLE lot of time in front of you to get your financial life in order, etc. Right now, you're doing such an important thing by stopping your nicotine addiction. 

Hang in there. It is so worth it. I quit almost 3 years ago and I rarely think about it. It's a freedom that I can't describe; you have to experience it. And you will soon!

I know it's not ideal to live back at home with your parents, but at least you have that as an option until you figure out what it is that you want to do moving foward.

I hope this helps - I just randomly logged into the site and read your post. I hope that my tad bit of encouragement helps!





@YoungAtHeartSO raw. Thank you for taking the time to read and reply. I appreciate the wisdom you shared with me and you are so right! Why add to things I need to fit into my budget. What you said about my mom and super insightful and I think it has the possibility of being true, I can’t say that I wouldn’t feel the same way deep down if someone close to me were quitting. 

Thanks again, it means a lot to just have someone tell me I’m not completely screwed up!


@kathypb Thank you for reading and for the encouragement! It does help!!


@aubreymacd95 quitting smoking made me question everything in my life. It is a hard thing to manage quitting while surviving life's ups and downs. And we all make mistakes, especially when we were young.

Not everyone will be supportive of your quit and that's okay. That's on them. I did not have any support at home but I got tons of support on this site which made up for that. One time I told a group that I was walking with for the day that I was quitting smoking. Wow, they were so supportive. They all congratulated and cheered me on. After that I would tell random people (in line at the grocery store, waiting for the bus, my neighbors.) And without fail they were all supportive...even strangers! My point is that it doesn't matter what your mom said to you or how she looks at you - try to get your support elsewhere.

I tried to quit cold turkey. I was so cranky and afraid I would fail that at week 2 I went and bought NRT gum. I could have saved the money because I only used a few packets of the gum. I alternated the NRT with regular Big Red cinnamon chewing gum. That was what ended up helping me the most. What are you using for crave busters? You might need to mix it up a bit or try to add something new into the mix.

Try to remember your rewards. You are your best support for yourself. Week 3 is huge. What are you doing to reward yourself? It's rough right now but you will be so happy that you are quit.


@aubreymacd95 Big congrats on week 3!!🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊 Way to go!


@Snowdoggie Thank you so much for the encouragement and support!! As much as I want her support, I have found that others tend to make it a little more exciting.
I’m really glad to read that regular gum ended up helping you out! I’ve been throwing back peppermints (I always leaned toward menthol vapes). It could definitely be time to switch it up, I didn’t even think of that as an option. I think I’ll try something a little more fun next since my appetite hasn’t increased like I expected it too. Maybe even lollipops! That could be rewarding and take care of the cravings. Big red sounds yummy too, I just always find myself avoiding gum in case I want to eat soon. haha!
Thank you so so much. I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one that’s questioning their entire life during this process.


I am new to quitting smoking. I won't tell you what to do but I will share a little of what I feel? Not sure if it helps but here goes: I tried to stop smoking in January of this year due to health concerns. I made it 3 days then started making rationalizations to myself that just one puff or two puffs wont hurt me, because I am cutting back, right? 1,2,3 puffs per day turned into smoking up to 7 cigs/day. I thought I was bettering myself but I wasn't. I was so wrong, especially with the junk I've got going on. 

So another major health scare end of May and I stopped smoking for 8 days, then blew it from feeling overwhelmed and stressed with a multitude of things going on that I want to control but all of those things take time to be remedied and my mind couldn't stop thinking. So I smoked a cig. Felt awful for doing it because I know it wasn't what I wanted. What I really wanted was for everything around me to just be fixed. But all of that stuff takes time and planning, etc. etc. 

Today I think I am day 8 again. 🙂 This is hard work. Nicotine is a bear. I simply pray for you to develop the peace that your mind needs right now so that you can think through everything in a different light. I know this may sound corny or may not be your belief but substitute "God" for whatever you believe in, like the universe or something. This is an inspirational quote: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

May your life be blessed in so many ways!




@aubreymacd95 Glad you reached to share your situation.  You certainly have enough to deal with right now.  We often only hear about the physical withdrawal symptoms of quitting, but there is a very emotional and psychological response.  What you experiencing right now is most likely exaggerated by the loss of nicotine.  You're body is adjusting and it takes time.

I used two aids and had little if any physical withdrawal symptoms, but the emotional part lasted a long time and made it difficult at time to keep my quit.  Many quitters didn't have support in their lives, that's why we're here to give support to those desiring to quit.  And other smokers may unintentionally try to sabotage our quits with out even realizing it.  So always remember, it's your quit, no one else's.   

I think in depth dialogue with your mother about this can wait a bit.  Your quit is still new and it's going to take everyone some time to adjust.  Living with your parents right is probably not the ideal situation, but what a lifesaver for you right now.   

You have lots of time to work on these issues, so don't overwhelm yourself with trying to fix everything at once.  Work on what you can and it will all come together eventually.

Don't lose sight of how great your doing with your quit.  What an accomplishment to be proud of and to build on.  One day at a time also applies to life.

Congrats on your quit.




@Barbscloud thank you so much for the support! I think you're right in saying the conversation can wait. When I read that, just now, it hit me that it is totally something my mother and I will laugh about in the future. It's so hard to slow my brain down when it starts the negative spiral right now.

I've even told close friends and family that know all about me how much I appreciate my living situation, and not taking advantage of it to do things like quit nicotine and grow my business would be even brattier!! Just goes to show me how much this drug can mess with my head. 



@jewlz23 Thank you for your support and wisdom! 

Congratulations on day 8, and on hopping back into your quit! That is so so hard! I will say, the waves of craving denial for me at week three do tend to feel a further apart and slightly easier to handle. I can't wait to forget I even smoked! 

I LOVE that quote, calming even just to read. Nicotine is a bear - I find it so hard to believe it's still legal. Tobacco is the REAL devil's lettuce!! 

I am so glad we are both here!😊