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We have the opportunity again today to say NO so let's get through another day WON and live by N.O.P.E - Not One Puff Ever works if we apply it daily!

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I never crawled out of bed until almost 8:30 which was great, I was exhausted last night even though I had a great wk end busy but good. I have a hard time with H.A.L.T - hunger, anger, lonely, tired - -  I didn't eat supper last night which is a bad habit. I had what is called here a smokemare instead of a nightmare either way is spooky, this is only my third in over a 26 month period and was so real, I was trying to get a hold of the person that I gave my cigarette roller too because I always rolled, I didn't see myself smoking but I could smell the smoke and then my husband has been quit for 29 months and I saw him smoking then I woke up in a cold sweat, WHEW. I need to live what I preach because H.A.L.T - is looking after ourselves because S.I.N.A.O - Smoking Is Not An Option - Vigilance is key to our success, N.E.F. - Never Ever Forget the early days and wks of our quits because relapsing isn't an option,  slipping in my opinion is the wrong word for heading to the grocery store to buy a pk of the cancer sticks, if we slip we can get up dust ourselves off and continue to move forward because smoking is a consious choice not a slip and relapsing isn't even a blimp on my radar because I plan on going to my grave an Ex smoker, kick smoking to the curb and live a life of Freedom it's not easy to get to that good place in your quit but anything in life worth having takes time and effort but wow my friends and fellow Exers a life without the crutch is super fantastic because you can go anywhere, anytime whenever, wherever and however without worrying about where to sneak off to suck on a killer cigarette, life is grand without a cigarette in hand! 

Marilyn 805 DOF 

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....