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Share your quitting journey


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How is it you can want something so bad that you know there are a million and one reasons not to have?  Sometimes when the urge hits, I'd give almost anything to take one puff.  But I'm prepared enough and smart enough to not do it.  But after a month, you'd think the overwhelming urges would go away.

Something so disgusting and horrible for can it feel so alluring?

No stress....fellow EX's.....I'm not giving in!  Just confuses me sometimes at how something so horrible can seem to tempting.  Even when I was smoking I would look at it sometimes and be repulsed at the fact that I loved breathing in something so harmful.

Quit last time for 3 1/2 months........I don't remember when it got easier, although I know it does.  I think today is really the first day that I've regretted going back that last time.  I lost the person I loved the most in this life and couldn't deal with the loss and quitting at the same time.  But I would have had over 2 years under my belt at this time.  I won't go back this time, but the (I can't come up with a word)....the pull...the temptation......(again, no words)........I don't understand.  It's such a horrible thing but I swear, I'd give about anything to take one puff right now.

Ok, I'm over it now! lol...........guess I just needed to write for a minute!  The urges are shorter, but sometimes they are so intense.  I   K N O W   I am not going back this time, but wow, those urges hit sometimes when you least expect them and it about takes your breathe away.