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Spread the news! Here is a copy of the Drive4COPD Screener that anybody can take by answering 5 simple questions! You can download your own and give it to your boss! It will keep your insurance costs down and help your business save $$$$ in lost productivity and insurance costs as well!How much money? You'd be Amazed!

From an economic standpoint, the financial toll of COPD on U.S. companies is staggering. Experts estimate the cost of COPD in the U.S. to be in the tens of billions of dollars annually, with lost workdays accounting for $58 million. According to the American Lung Association, approximately 85 to 90 percent of COPD deaths are caused by smoking. Furthermore, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each smoking employee costs the employer $3,391 per year—$1,623 in excess medical expenditures, $1,760 in lost productivity, higher life insurance premiums and increased disability claims.


Early detection of COPD will lead to a much better Quality and Quantity of LIFE! By the way, one of the questions is if you have smoked more 100 sickerettes! I smoked about 10 a day so that's, uh, 10 DAYS! Heck, I smoked for 20 Years - oblivious to this danger! Knowledge is POWER!

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1