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Very special Wednesday Freedom Train!!!

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Good Morning friends!!!! Welcome to August! Today is special for several reasons. First of all, my oldest turns 34 today, Yay!!!! She is also carrying my 8th, yes, 8th grandchild. Don't know the sex, but he/she will be here in Nov. Secondly, my youngest grand daughter starts pre-K this Monday, and this morning is open house. I'm so excited to go meet her teacher. And what else...hrm....let's me think.....OH Yeah!!!! One of my absolute favorite people has TWO years Smober!!! Our Maggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WHOO HOO girl!!!!! Two years!!!!!! WOW, I wanna be just like you when I grow up!! 🙂 Maggie is one of my mentors here on the site, and I just cannot say enough about the kindness of this angel. Maggie is special to me, as well as to so many others here. She has been here for me since day one.

M    -  Marvellous!

A     -  Awesome!!

G    -   Generous!!!

G    -   Great!!!!

I      -   Inspiring!!!!!

E    -   Exceptional, energetic, an EX of 2 years!!!!!!

Maggie is an EXpert here at EX, but that doesn't even begin to describe her. Maggie is one of the first people to welcome a newbie with all the links and educational info. Just take a look at her profile.

I loved going through all those links in the beginning...and still refer back to them. I greet newbies on the site here by giving them Maggies profile link, lol cuz she's already done all the work. That's the thing. Maggie works tirelessly here at the site. She is a conductress herself, and does (along with Marcie), all the work behind the scenes. And believe me, there's alot of work that goes on back there to get the train on the rails everyday. Take a look at her messages on here page. They are filled with thank-you after thank-you from new people that she has reached out to, greeted, or just plain stopped by their profiles to say "hey, just stopping by, have a great day" Maggie lives in her beloved Oregon - and I'm sorry dear, I tried to post your pic of the mountain and wildflowers, but it just so happens you haven't posted it for awhile, so I couldn't get it. 😞  She enjoys diet coke, lol, and dancing, and despite having some physical issues pop up here and there, enjoys getting out on some of those bus trips to casinos and shows. Maggie, we love you dear, have a wonderful day, cuz we are gonna ROCK this train!!!!!!

This train is bound for FREEDOM from the evils of tobacco and smoking.
ALLLLLLLL ABOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Karen ♥

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