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Update from the land of freedom!!!

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Good morning EXer’s! A while ago I wrote a blog about severe breathing problems that I had encountered. After I wrote the blog, I ended up on steroids for a couple of weeks, along with inhalers and oxygen.


My blood oxygen level back then was tracking between 86-88%. Not good! When I first started the steroids, I found that I could breathe once again! It was a wonderful feeling to say the least. I saw a pulmonologist and he ordered some breathing tests. While I waited to take those tests, I continued to get better. I quit using oxygen and each day my blood oxygen level increased until today I’m between 92-95% nearly all of the time.


I just got my test results back and was told that I have a very mild COPD, coupled with mild asthma. My lung capacity is down ten percent, but that’s considered pretty good for someone my age!


All in all, I had a bit of a scare when I couldn’t breathe. But that exacerbation might have gotten my COPD diagnosed at a very early stage. The doctor believes that with aggressive treatment using the inhalers, that the damage can be minimized.


Sure, there’s going to be some differences to things now that I have this diagnosis. Colds and viruses can set off another incident, but now I’m aware of it, know what to look for and how to treat it earlier on so that it hopefully doesn’t get so bad.


All in all, I feel pretty good about things. I’m happy with my life and love my freedom. In fact, every morning when I wake I take a nice deep breath and thank myself for making that decision that I made over five years ago. Every morning I look to my vision of Mt. Freedom and smile for you see, I really did make it to that summit. I really did find freedom! And it was as wonderful as I always believed it would be.  


So never for a moment think that the journey of life isn’t worth it. Never lose sight of the love of life that can help us to succeed. Always keep your eye on the summit and remember, what you’re doing now will determine what your future will look like!


Myself, I’m pretty happy that I chose life over slow, lingering death. Sure I have some complications from my addiction but those could’ve been much worse by now if I hadn’t quit smoking when I did.


And now I can still look forward to planting my garden. To creating a landscape that will always remind me of the freedom I have created for myself. If you haven’t quit yet, then there’s no better time than right now to do so.


Go for it!! You’ll be so glad that you did!!!




Congrats on your 5 years and for catching the issues quickly. What you are describing is kind of what has brought me here and to finally quit. My oxygen levels have not been bad, but breathing problems due to allergies and smoking.  Now on inhaler and doing great.  Thanks for your inspiration.


Lookin' at the same view you are.  And it sure is pretty up here!   Glad you got some relief and that your stats are back up.  Here's to you and Freedomland!


I have moderate COPD, I dance, run,dig, work in the garden and things go on like always, EXcept I use oxygen every night, and Have to inhalers, one of which contains steriods that I must use twice daily, and take precautions not to get sick. pnemonia shot every 5 years and flu shot every year. and get to the Pulmo. as soon as I start to get sick. It sounds like a lot but has really become a part of life! I am so grateful to have found EX and the freedom from smoking! Thanks for blogging, Chuck! Great Post!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


Congratulations on 5 years Chuck.


Happy to hear that your health is better.  Congratulations and thanks for the update!


Great uplifting blog!! Congrats on 5 years and your freedom!!


I am happy for you Chuck ! congrats on 5 beautiful years of freedom !

Stayas  strong as you are and carry on !


Good for you!

You did a Great Job advocating for yourself, Chuck! 

I'm really glad you're feeling so much better!


Good to see you Chuck. I am glad your breathing is getting better. I also have some mild COPD but my oxygen is at 97% but I do have alot of allergy problems. I am glad I quit also and yesterday was 5 years for me so we are close in quit dates. I hope you have a great day.

Trying to stay quit. I'm taking it one day at a time
Trying to stay quit. I'm taking it one day at a time

Congratulations on 5 years Chuck  !!!


Congratulations on 5 years Chuck!!! Day 5 here and looking forward to that beautiful view!


Congratulations on five years and on not throwing away your quit when you were told that you had "mild" COPD.  I know of people who have heard that and figured...well, it's not that bad, I can smoke.  I am really happy that you are not one of those people. Congratulations, you and your quit are solid!