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Share your quitting journey

Turning it around

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I joined this site back in April. I just saw the commercial, and knew I needed to check into it.
But what I didn't know was that it would change my ENTIRE view about cigarettes!!

Sure, I wanted to quit smoking. Doesn't everyone who smokes feel that way at one time or another?
But I had NO CLUE how I would ever be able to quit smoking!! I mean come on....... I smoked for 17 years!!
I didn't have any knowledge about my addiction, in fact, I didn't even see it as an addiction!!

Once I started reading blogs here, and chatting with people who were quitting, or had quit a while back, I realised
that I had absolutely NO POWER!! I had given it all away. At least that 's what I thought. So, I picked a date......
MAY 5TH!! That was my quit date and I was gonna DO THIS THING!!

Well, the closer that day came, the more fear welled up inside of me. "I'M NOT READY!!!" " I WONT MAKE IT!!"
"IT'S TOO SOON!!" So I decided that I needed to create a way to get out of this date. Since I had been on a 12 week maternity leave, and this was the exact same day that I would have to go back to work........ I HAD THE PERFECT EXCUSE!!! " There is just no way I will make it through the stress of being back, and I just KNOW I will blow my quit!" I changed my date.

New date..... May 26th!! My hubby's birthday!! That's perfect!! When I told him that I was going to be quitting on his birthday, and we would celebrate that day together, he already knew I was lying. But he is just too sweet to say anything. He quit with me the next day and has been smoke free ever since!!
HOWEVER...... A couple weeks later, we got into an argument and I decided that I WANTED TO SMOKE!
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Yup....... blew my quit.....days of progress right down the crapper!!! I hated myself for it!
I never even finished the cigarette, and I may as well have just ripped up a $5 bill and flushed it down the toilet, because that is what I did with the 19 cigs that were left!

AS OF JUNE 8TH 2008, I have not given myself any freedom to make excuses. They are just not allowed!!!
NO MATTER HOW PISSY YOU GET!!! ( and I can get pretty pissy!)
Sassy Tink Pictures, Images and Photos